Chapter sixty-one (Ace)

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*2 hours later 10am*

Quintin and I have been sitting here watching tv for two hours, waiting for Kailey to wake up when we suddenly hear a noise.

She sits up and rubs her eyes before noticing me in the room and tenses her muscles. She then looks to her right -I'm guessing to see if Quintin is still there- and when she sees he is, she relaxes a little bit. But then she sees the worried look on his face and turns back to look at me, only to see the same expression on mine.

"Ok, you guys obviously have something to talk about, but I just woke up, so can I go to the bathroom first?" She asks while looking straight at me.

"Of course. Go," I say as she gets up and heads in there. Once the door is shut, I immediately turn to Quintin.

"Who's going to start? I mean she already knows something's up, so we have to tell her, but who's going to start the conversa-"

"I am," Kailey cuts me off as she walks back into the room and climbs back on the bed next to Quintin.

"How about we start with what you guys are whispering about, and why. I know it has something to do with me, so just say it. I don't even care," she says while she covers herself back up.

"Kailey," I start, but I'm not sure how to say what's needed.

"Kailey, you were crying in your sleep last night and you were saying something about mom and Emily. You were saying something about how you guys should stay home, and you were telling Em to tell mom not to go, and you just kept begging and begging," Quintin finishes for me.

"Oh," she says quietly before looking down at her hands.

"Kailey, did something happen to mom and Em in the five years I've been gone? Why were you crying about them?" Looks like this conversation is going to be Quintin's.

"What? No. Of course not. I just umm, I just miss them. That's all," and here we go. More lies.

"Kailey," I warn. "Stop lying."

"I-I'm not. I told you. I just miss the-"

"Kailey!" I cut her off before she can spout off more lies. "I will not tell you again. Now, what happened and why were you crying about them?"

"I- I, well I-" she starts, and I can see she's trying to think of another lie on the spot.

"It better be the truth this time, Kailey," I warned, giving her a stern look.

She sighs before saying, "Fine," before turning to Quintin and saying, "But you're not going to like it, Quin..."

"What is it, Kay? You're starting to scare me..." Quintin says with a very worried look on his face.

"Quintin, mom and Emily are gone..." she says quietly without looking at him.

"What?" Quintin and I both ask at the same time.


She sighs before continuing, "Mom and Em were in a car accident. About three weeks ago, a few days before I was kidnapped they died. They were coming home from the store late one night, and on the way home a drunk driver hit them. The drunk driver had run a red light and was going way over the limit. Mom's car flipped over three times and landed upside down after hitting a branch that had fallen. When they got to the hospital, they said that Emily had suffered head trauma and broke a couple bones. Mom on the other hand broke her neck."

"I went to the hospital to check on them everyday, and they were doing better. But then one night in the middle of nowhere, they're health suddenly declined rapidly and there was nothing the hospital could do about it. I later found out that three of Alex's men were the ones who killed them. They had snuck into the hospital in the middle of the night, dressed up as nurses, and put stuff in their IV's which killed them," she says with tears running down her cheeks. I can tell that's not everything though. I can see it in her eyes that there's more to it.

"What else happened, Kailey?" I ask her and she looks up at me, probably wondering how I knew there was more, but that soon went away and she decided to lie, again.

"Nothing. That's it. They were in a bad wreck with a drunk driver, they were in the hospital for a month, and then Alex's men killed them," she says looking away from me, probably so I wouldn't see that she's lying.

"Kailey, stop lying," I warn her. "What else happened? I know that's not everything."

She sighs in defeat before continuing her story. "There's one part that I haven't told anyone. Nobody knows about it."

"What is it, Kailey?" Quintin asks, wiping his tears.

"I was in the car with mom and Emily..."

"So, what happened to you?" I ask.

"I don't know, honestly. All I know is that someone, no no no that's wrong. Something saved me."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask, getting angry even though I have no reason to be.

"Well, one minute I was in the car while it was flipping over. Then, before anyone at all got to the car, before paramedics even arrived, somebody saved me. The only thing though is that the person or thing who saved me was super fast. They did it so quickly that nobody even knew there was a third person in the car."

"But how does that make any sense?" Quintin asks.

"It doesn't," Kailey said shrugging her shoulders.

"Kailey," I say urgently.


"Did you see the face of the person who saved you?" I cut her off before she's can ask what I want.

"Well, I mean a li-"

"YES OR NO, KAILEY!" I didn't mean to yell at her, but she doesn't realize how urgent this is.

"Y-yes..." she says, almost on the verge of tears.

"What did they look like, Kailey? Was it a man or a woman?"

"It was a man and he-"


"H- he was kind of tall and probably in his late 30's to early 40's. There was another guy with him which I would assume is his son. He's a little bit older than me. They both have diamond blue eyes and honey blonde hair. The older man has a beard, and looks.... Exactly like that!" She says while pointing at the picture I'm holding of the two men.

"It was these two? You're positive? Are you sure it was these two?"

"Yes, I'm positive. Why is this such a big deal? Ace, what is going on? Who are those two?"

"Nobody. I need to go now," I say while standing up. "And Quintin, do not let Kailey leave this house under any circumstances! Do you hear me?!?"

"But-" Kailey is still trying to talk but I won't let her.


"I- I'm sorry..." she says while starting to cry.

"Quintin, make sure she doesn't leave. She needs to stay here!" I tell him as I run out the door and down the stairs.

Seconds later Quintin and Kailey are behind me while I'm running out the front door to my car.

"Where are you going?" Quintin calls out after me.

I roll down my window and yell "It doesn't matter. Stay there. Neither of you are allowed to leave the house until further notice!" And then speed away.

The day her heart shattered Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz