Chapter Sixty-six (Ace)

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As I'm driving, I hear my phone go off. I look at who it is and see it's the same number as earlier, meaning it's him.

I pull into a gas station and grab my phone to see he sent me another video.

"Dad, what's wrong? Why are we stopping? We don't need gas."

I tap on the video and see he's holding a gun to Kailey's head. Oh, he is so dead when I get my hands on him.

I listen to the video and he tells me I have two weeks to give him what he wants or he's going to kill Kailey. While he's saying all this, he runs a gun down her face and she starts begging me for help.

"God damnit!" I yell as I hit my head repeatedly on the steering wheel.

"Dad, what the hell just happened? Was that Kailey?" I can hear the worry in Quintin's voice.

I turn to face him and say, "He's threatening to kill her. If I don't give him what he wants in two weeks, he said he's going to kill her. He held a fucking gun to her head!"

"What?!" Quintin yells.

I put the car in drive and speed out of the parking lot, on my way to his house so I can kill him.

It took about three hours to get here from the gas station, but I finally made it. I wait for the guards in the other vans to get here, and five minutes later, I see them. We all get out of our vans, grab the guns, and I break down the front door.

Everyone goes running throughout the house trying to find Kailey while I'm focused on finding him.

After about an hour of searching the whole house, there is not one single person in here.

"Damnit! We're too late! They moved." I yell as I throw my gun down on the ground and storm out to the van.

This is the only place I knew about where he lives and hides. I have no idea where he could've gone now, but I better hurry up and figure it out before he hurts Kailey even more than he already has.

Don't worry, Kailey. I'm coming. I will find out where you are, and I will save you and then kill him. Just hang in there a little longer.

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