Chapter Ninety-two (Landon)

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I'm downstairs in the kitchen talking to Lucas and Lily when I hear something shatter upstairs and then Luna start screaming.

The three of us look at each other and then start running towards the stairs, where we meet mom and dad at the bottom. When I get a couple steps up, I can hear her sobbing as I hear her footsteps.

The five of us immediately run up to the third floor to her room. I'm the first one to run into her room, and when I do, I find her phone on the ground next to her bed, with the screen shattered, but it still works.

I look around the room, but she isn't in here, and that's when I hear the sobs from her bathroom.

Lily and Lucas run over to the bathroom door while I try to figure out what happened and why her phone is on the floor and shattered.

"Lan!" I look up as Lily yells for me. "The door is locked! We can't get in!"

And everyone always says she's the smartest since she's the oldest. I think as I roll my eyes.

"Move," I say to all of them. At some point, mom and dad had joined Lily and Lucas, pounding on the door and yelling for Luna to come out.

"Move," I say again, but more sternly this time, and they listen.

I kick the door, and after two kicks, the door is down. I'm not sure what I expected to see when we got in, but it wasn't this. She's laying on the floor covered in blood with a knife in her hand.

Mom runs over to her and puts Luna's head in her lap, all while screaming and crying, yelling at her not to go, and repeating her name over and over again.

Lily, Lucas, and dad have now all gathered around her, sobbing, while I'm standing here, rooted to my spot with tears streaming down my face.

We all watch as the life drains from her body and watch as her skin goes pale. This makes mom sob more. I watch as her eyes slowly close as she bleeds out.

I watch as my mother shakes her, begging her to wake up. But I can't watch this anymore. I can't. I already know she's gone. My baby sister... gone.

I walk out of the bathroom and grab her phone before leaving her room and going to mine. I sit down on my bed, and turn the phone on. I go through it until I find the thing that probably caused it.

There's a call from Kailey.

What the hell? If she's had her phone this whole time, then why did she wait three months to do anything? Is she actually even kidnapped, or is this just some sick game?

Because if this is her idea of a game, I will track her down myself and kill her. She caused my sister to do this, now she must deal with the consequences and pay the price.

I get brought out of my thoughts as I hear my name being called. I look up to see Lily, Lucas, and mom all next to the bed, looking at me in confusion.

"There's a call from Kailey on here," I explain.

"What?!?" Lily and Lucas say at the same time, looking shocked while mom doesn't seem surprised at all.


"Hmm?" She hums.

"Why don't you look surprised?" Lucas asks for me.

"Because I got a call from Kailey just a few minutes before Luna screamed. Only it wasn't Kailey..." she trails off, looking at the ceiling.

"Then who was it?" Lily asks.

"I'm not sure. It was a man, I know that, but I'm not sure who. His voice didn't sound familiar."

I'm growing irritated at her not getting to the point. "Mom! What did the man say?"

"He told me that Kailey was dead. That she'd been killed..." mom says as she starts crying again.

"I was outside when I got the call, so as soon as the line went dead, I ran inside so I could tell Luna, but then I heard her scream, and I knew that meant she got the call..."

"W-hat? No! She can't be dead!" Lily shouts.

"Lan, call the number," she turns to me and I can see the desperation in her eyes.

I sigh and call the number, putting it on speaker phone. It picks up after the third ring.

"Hello?" The voice of a man says.

"Where's Kailey?! Tell me where she is!" Lucas yells.

"Ahh. I'm going to assume that you are one of the triplets. And I'm going to guess that the other two are with you as well?"

"You got that right," I growl.

"Now tell us where Kailey is!" Lily yells.

"As I've already told your mother and sister, Kailey is dead. She's been killed," and with that, the call cuts.

I'm just sitting here staring at the phone, Lily is holding a hand over her mouth while beginning to cry again, and Lucas is standing there with his mouth open and eyes wide.

"Sh- she really is dead..." Lily manages to get out through tears.

"I can't believe this," Lucas says. "This must be why Luna did that..."

"No," dads voice flows through the room as he stands in the doorway. "Or at least that's not the full reason."

"What do you mean?" I ask as we all turn to look at him.

"She has fresh cuts. And she has quite a few scars. It looks like she's been doing this for a while, but the call must've been her breaking point," he says as he runs a hand down his face.

"Oh my God," mom says as she puts a hand over her mouth.

"She's been doing this? I'm a terrible mother. How did I not notice this," she starts crying again.

"I'm such a terrible mother," she keeps repeating this.

"Mom," I say as I grab her hand. "You're not a terrible mother. Luna is just an excellent actor. Nobody could've known. You're an amazing mother."

"Yeah," Lily cuts in. "Mom, you've always been there for us, and you've always done everything for us. Don't call yourself a bad mother."

"Mom, we love you so much. You've always been there for us, and now it's our turn to be there for you. Nobody could've guessed that Luna was doing this. But I promise, you are not a terrible mom. You're the best mom anybody could ask for," Lucas says as he hugs mom.


"No. There are no 'buts,' mom. Nobody could've known. She was really good at closing herself off. She knew how to control her emotions, and make sure people only saw what she wanted them to see. It's not your fault, and there's nothing you could've done," I say as I pull her in for a hug as well.

"We love you, mom. And we'll do everything we can to help you. We'll all get through this. Together," now Lily has joined the hug.

I look up when I realize someone is missing.

Dad is still standing in the doorway, just staring at all of us while holding back tears.

"Dad, get over here," I say, and everyone else looks back at him, waiting for him to move.

He slowly starts walking towards us, and when he gets close enough, Lucas grabs his hand and pulls him into the hug.

After a minute of hugging, dad breaks away.

"We need to do something with Luna. She's in the truck right now. Let's get her to the hospital."

Fifteen minutes later, we are all in the truck and on the way to the hospital.

The day her heart shattered Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ