Chapter nineteen

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       Once the needle is removed from my arm, the large muscular man loosens his grip on me as my vision starts to blur and my body goes weak. After a few seconds, I can't move anymore and the man who had the syringe starts tying my hands together with rope, while the large man ties something around my mouth. At this point, the seven other men are in the same hallway as me and the three guys, waiting for orders.
       The large man tells one of the men to go get the van and pull it up in-front of the doors. He tells the other seven men to get in their vans and wait until he leaves and then follows him. After all of them leave, it's just me, the large man, and the man with the syringe left in the hallway. The large man picks me up and throws me over his shoulder while the other guy puts stuff back in his bag.
       Once the large man hears the honk of the van out front, he Carrie's me outside, opens the back door of the van, throws me in there and then climbs in after me. The man with the syringe throws his bag in the back before shutting the door and getting up front into the passenger side seat. A minute later, the guy in the drivers seat starts driving and the large man gives the order for the other to follow.
       As soon as we leave the driveway, the man says "you didn't really think you could hide from us, did you? Well, that was a big mistake. You know we will always find you. And boss is going to be so damn happy when he sees you," he chuckles to himself and that's the moment it hit me that they're taking me to him.
       I start to panic and start making whimpering noises as I start to cry. When he sees that I'm crying, he lifts one hand to my face and says, "Aren't you excited to see boss? He sure is excited to see you. It's been a while," and starts wiping the tears off my cheek.
       I try to move my face away from his hand, but he grabs my chin in his large fingers and says, "don't even try to move away because you're not going to get anywhere. And you better get used ti my company because we're going to be in this van together for s couple of days," with a huge smirk on his face and I begin crying again.

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