The Video || Chapter 38

Start from the beginning

"Fuck I can't...." I sighed out feeling the budge in my pants grow even harder and more painful. Fuck it hurts so bad. After what is about to happen now there's no coming back. I was about to relieve myself to the thought of a student that wanted nothing more than to see me 6ft under.

     With a sigh my hands pulled my shorts down letting my hard length slap against my skin right under my pecs. I sighed taking myself in my hands moving them slowly as I closed my eyes thinking about her pretty smile and the way she looks when she's not overthinking. Not even my hands were enough to accommodate me. I grabbed some lube and placed it on my hands spreading it evenly one time. I hated being way past average since it made sex much harder.

     Woman say they want a big size until they get it and can't take the whole thing. If they do take the whole thing then they'll be in a wheelchair...personally seen this happen. It sucks because they squeeze the fuck out of my length making it rather painful for me than pleasurable. I kept stroking myself to the thought of her until I came all over my chest groaning and panting her name out breathlessly. I definitely won't be able to look her in the eyes after what I've just done. It felt so good to come to the thought of her though it was so fucking wrong of me.

"Fuck I'm screwed..."

[ A week Later ]

     It has now been about a week since Lyla stayed here and I honestly can't get the situation out of my mind. The fact that I touched her lip fucking hell. I've done worst but that was so tempting. Currently Lorenzo and I were in my kitchen and as he got the cups and I got the bottle of licor we were going to drink. I placed the bottle down furrowing my brows when I heard a knock and then the doorbell go off.

"Who the fuck is that?" Lorenzo asked annoying me in the process.

"How the hell should I know idiot?" I rolled my eyes at him as I made my way to the door.

     I opened the door and no one was there. Fucking kids. As I was about to close it I saw a DVD disk on the step which confused me. Grabbing it I closed the door and made my way back inside grabbing my laptop and resting it on my lap once seated on the couch.

"Who was it?" Lorenzo questioned from the kitchen.

"No one." I replied as my eyes focused on the task at hand.

     I grabbed the unlabeled disc and placed it in the laptop adjusting my audio. When it started it was so dark I had to pull my brightness up.

"What the fuck is this?" I questioned as I kept watching whoever it was adjust the camera onto a....girl?

"What in the kinky fuck are you watching?" Lorenzo question with a small short laugh.

"Someone left this at the door I don't know why." I took my glass and took a sip of my drink putting it down on the coffee table as Lorenzo sat beside me.

     The room was poorly lit and all I could see was a girl on her knees with her wrist and ankles chained to the wall. She had messy brown hair and looked to be in horrible condition. This shit looked straight out of a horror movie.

" that a gag ball?" Lorenzo pointed out looking closer at the screen.

"A gag ball?" I looked closer and sure enough it fucking was.

"She doesn't look any older than 12." I pointed out looking closer.

     You could hear her sobbing the whole time meaning that whatever the hell was happening definitely wasn't consensual. That is wrong on so many levels.

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