Chapter 30: No End in Sight

Start from the beginning

Y/N and Pyrrha run out of the front door of Beacon Tower. The muffled sounds of Ozpin and Cinder's fight can be heard.

Y/N turns and stares silently at Beacon Tower. Pyrrha's voice soon breaks his concentration.

"Y/N? What was all of that?"

Y/N turns back to look at Pyrrha.


Their conversation is interrupted by an explosion, followed by Cinder using fire to fly up through the elevator shaft. The two stare at the tower in surprise.

"But... Ozpin..."

"There's no time." Y/N shakes his head, then looks at Pyrrha, quickly adopting a determined tone. "Go. Get to Vale and call for help."

"Huh? What are you gonna do?"

Y/N slowly turns his head to stare up at the top of Beacon Tower. Following his gaze, Pyrrha realizes what he plans to do.

"Wait! Let's do it together!"

Y/N turns to Pyrrha and nods.

They clench fists and, once again, adopt a determined demeanor as they walk toward the tower as Y/N pulls out his Scroll.

Meanwhile, Ruby and Weiss are on their way back to Beacon campus, when Weiss' Scroll begins ringing.

"It's Y/N!" She answers. "Where are you?"

"We're going after that woman at the top of the tower."

"Y/N, what are you talking about!? Where are you?"

Y/N ends the call. Weiss shouts into the Scroll.

"Y/N? Y/N!"

The ground shakes, alerting Ruby and Weiss to the danger that approaches them. The Wyvern flies into view, circling Beacon Tower with black ooze dripping from it. It perches on one of the arches stemming from the tower and utters a screech. Ruby draws Crescent Rose, shifting it into its scythe form in preparation for the Grimm spawning from the ooze.

"I have a plan."

Weiss draws Myrtenaster.

"You always do."

Once Y/N and Pyrrha step through the entrance, they run to the nearest elevator and Pyrrha uses her Semblance to force the doors open. Inside, they find that Cinder has left a large hole in the floor and roof of the elevator on her way up. They step inside the elevator and Pyrrha closes her eyes, and begins mustering all of her strength. The elevator begins shaking. She focuses even harder, straining herself, until the elevator begins a quick ascent toward the top.


At the top of the tower, in Ozpin's office, a large amount of smoke flows out from the elevator, masking Cinder's entrance. She confidently strides to the window across the room, a smirk on her face. As if sensing her presence, the Wyvern climbs up to the top, peers at her through the window, and screeches.

"Shhhh... This is your home now."

The Wyvern stares at her and utters a shorter, quieter screech. Cinder backs away from the window and holds her hand out to the side, creating a fireball in her palm. The sound of sparks distracts her, and she looks over her shoulder at the elevator, her fireball dissipating. After a few moments, the sparks come to a stop, and immediately upon the elevator doors' opening, Pyrrha's spear flies toward Cinder, who casually leans to her right to dodge with a smirk on her face.

The spear is soon followed by Pyrrha's shield, backed by Pyrrha herself, and Cinder puts her arms up, blocking it and pushing it away. Cinder frowns as she sees Y/N.

"Hello Y/N." Pyrrha looks at Y/N.

"You know her?!" Y/N scratches his head.

"It was a one-night stand back in July. But never mind." Y/N turns back to Cinder. "We're not here to fight you, Cinder."


On the ground below, Ruby and Weiss fight off Grimm.

"We've gotta hurry!"

Weiss looks around for a moment, before casting a series of glyphs up the side of the tower.

"You can do this."

Ruby runs forward, then uses her Semblance to propel herself up to the first glyph. She then sprints up the wall, the glyphs propelling her forward and keeping her from falling off.


Cinder forms an obsidian bow in her hand. As she raises it up and draws back an obsidian arrow, Y/N looks at Pyrrha and she nods as they drop their weapons. Cinder looks at Y/N.

"Do you believe in destiny?" Y/N shakes his head.

"Not at all. My mentor taught my sister and I that we are free to decide our own paths and that our lives are dictated by our choices. You could've chosen a better path than this." Cinder squeezes her bow harder as her breathing gets heavy. "I know that kind of heart all too well. You're broken and in pain. You lived as nothing but a slave. But you are still a slave to your lust for power that was previously wanting to be able to stand up for yourself. This is not your true self, you're corrupted. I know all too well. You felt like you had no say in your life." Cinder lets a tear slip from her eye and drop to the floor. "It's not too late to turn and change your fate. If I was able to help Neo get on a better path, I can help you."

Cinder pulls back the arrow, aiming the bow at them, her hands and bow shaking. Y/N looks at Pyrrha and steps in front of her.

"Shoot me if you wish. But you're still human. You don't have to do this. I'm giving you a choice: shoot me and prove that you are indeed a monster like they said you were and that you are beyond redemption and mercy... or find closure after all these years and let the truth finally set you free."

Cinder forms tears in her eyes.

Ruby finally reaches the top of the tower, landing in a kneeling position. She looks upon the scene, seeing Y/N standing in front of Pyrrha, holding his hands out, closing his eyes to accept whatever fate awaits him as Pyrrha forms tears in her eyes. Ruby watches in horror as Cinder pulls her arrow back, still hesitant.

This scene is reflected in Ruby's silver eyes, which widen in despair and become filled with tears. Ruby clenches her fists, curls her arms to her body, and then suddenly flings her arms out to the sides, beginning to levitate slightly off the ground. Brilliant white light flows from her eyes as she screams out the name of Y/N.


The white light envelopes her, spreading out to Y/N and Pyrrha as they cover their eyes and then to the Wyvern and Cinder.

Cinder drops her bow in complete shock.


Cinder screams out in pain as she covers her left eye and screeches as her left eye is permanently damaged with a bleeding face crossing over her nose and enveloping her left face.

Ruby collapses and Y/N gestures to Ruby.

"Pyrrha, carry Ruby. I'll check on Cinder."

Pyrrha nods and picks up an unconscious Ruby and Crescent Rose and places her own weapons on her back, then Y/N kneels next to Cinder and places his fingers on Cinder's wrist to feel a pulse as he picks up her bow.

"Her pulse is very weak. We need to leave."

As Y/N picks up Cinder, places her bow on his back, and brushes some hair out of her face, he notices a Grimm Beetle crawl out of her ear, glowing as it flies away. But they're too exhausted to deal with it.

Y/N melancholically looks down at Cinder and walks to the elevator.

"Let's leave. There's nothing left to defend."

Pyrrha sadly nods and they carry Ruby and Cinder down all the way to the city.

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