The Event || Chapter 30

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"I should get going, my friends need me." As I tried to walk off he gently grabbed my wrist making me stop and turn my face towards him. He flashed me his pearly whites before releasing me and looking down. Awww he's shy.

"When can I see you again?" He asked locking eyes with me making me raise a brow. What's his angle here?

"We're going out for drinks after this boring shit is over if you'd like to join." I shrugged and he smiled.

"I'd love to."

"Cool, meet me in front of the mansion when it's over and I'll come get you." He smiled at my words and nodded.

"What's your name?" He asked with his boyish smile.

"Lyla, you?"

"Alexander." He smiled and I nodded.

"See you later Alexander." I flashed him a smile and walked away. Gosh he's cute.

"There you are!" Eric said with a sigh.

"Father this is Lyla, Lyla this is my father Felix Anderson."

"Pleasure to meet you Mr.Anderson." I said with a smile as I stretched my hand out. He eyed me with distaste as he nodded ignoring my hand. Great.

     I pulled my hand back awkwardly as he just watched his son with disapproval.

"Excuse me." He said before walking away.

"Don't study him." Eric said to which I sighed and just nodded.

"It's whatever." I said with a shrug. Not everyone liked my hair nor my attitude but I've made it 19 years not giving a fuck, I'm definitely not going to start now.

"What time does this end?"

"11:00, perfect time for the club." I nodded and stood in a corner with Ethan watching everyone socialize. The girls were all talking to cute guys and the boys were talking to gorgeous girls. Maybe they'll find a partner here.

"Do you want to go for a walk? All these idiots are making me sick." I said facing Ethan. He nodded and we started walking around the garden area.

"What's your story?" He asked stopping mid step and turning to face me.

"What do you mean?" Faking cluelessness I asked.

"It's only us here talk to me." I sighed before walking to the white bench and sitting. He followed and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"How'd you know?"

"I had a feeling from the beginning you weren't being truthful but I never really cared, I'm genuinely curious now though." Sighing and intertwining our fingers together I placed my other hand to cover his fully and he placed his free hand on mines.

"Talk to me." Ethan spoke softly.

"I killed someone." I said lowly to which he nodded. If someone was to be around they still wouldn't hear.

"Self defense?"


"What happened?"

"I grew tired of him taking advantage of me and shot him with his gun."

"Why didn't you share? We've all done bad things and the guys as you know have done that before, it was self defense Lyla it was totally justified." A tear slid down my cheek.

"I didn't feel remorse Ethan that's the thing." I said as a sob slipped past my lips. He sighed when I started crying and pulled me in for a hug. He held me tightly and I let my tears fall for the first time in ages.

"I actually felt relieved and glad that I did it, I literally emptied the whole clip. I'm a monster Ethan." I cried even harder but he held me tightly. He then pulled back and cupped my face wiping my tears as I sniffed.

"Lyla you are not a monster." He said firmly looking into my eyes.

"But I am though, who kills and doesn't feel remorse? Psychopaths and sereal killers do." A small smile played at his lips as he shook his head.

"Lyla why would you feel anything but relieved? He abused you Lyla, took advantage of you for however long until you snapped, if you didn't feel relieved I would be worried."

"You mean it?" I sniffed right after asking. His smile widen as he nodded.

"You're everything but that Lyla."  Ethan pulled me in and I smiled against his chest. It felt so good to let it out.

"I'm not ready to share my whole life just yet so keep this between us?" I found myself asking lowly.

"Wouldn't dream of sharing." He said softly. I snuggled into his chest and enjoyed his warm embrace. For two people who hate physical affection this felt so natural.

     I'm just glad he understood and didn't see me differently for having no regrets.

     I truly do have great friends.





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