Chapter thirty-eight

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Alejandro Rosario Tijeras

"Capo, rethink your decision please. It's way to dangerous." My man, Mario had said, trying to calm me down. It wouldn't jabe worked, it wasn't working. I'm too blinded by rage to give a flying fuck about how dangerous what was.

All I had in mind is to have my woman in my arms once more, than have that man's head in my hand. The anger qas showing clear signs of danger, seeing as I'm not really good at keep my cool. "Does it look like I give a fuck, Mario?" My question caught everyone's attention.

"We need to find her, now or I'll loose my fucking shit." We were currently in the middle of the empty Mall. Policeman everywhere with a few of my men that were helping take away Ryan and Silas' dead body away.

I stood feeling this major guilt inside. Two of my most trusted men dead, and i wasn't there to prevent it. I felt this overwhelming feeling that as their boss, even though they are trained to risk their lifes for the family, they were still dear ones to me.

Silas and Ryan weren't married with kids, but they did have family back home waiting for them every winter break they all get to get away for Christmas celebration with thier family. I felt pain in my heart knowing that theu won't be having thier sons knocking on their front door but my men there to inform them of such.

"Where's Steve?" I asked, and they alll signaled our side where two policemen where questioning him. At moments like this I felt invisible,  knowing that even the police worked for me. No stress for they only help hide evidence of mu wronh doings.

I walked outside, leaving the bloody mall filled wigh crime scene taps around for the investigators and policemen inside. Walking to one of my men i assigned as a bodyguard for the girls.

What he'd done is, he managed to get Vivian and Tiffany Marrow safe, i was thankful for that but still very much disappointed because I'd rather have it been my Lysha.

I assignment four bodyguards for them, but two died, one managed to lead two women tgat weren't Lysha to safety and the other disappeared. Thomas Jefferson. He was with them, that's what Steve jad said before he helped the girls out.

No one knew where he is, and i was left suspicious and worried. He was a new member the regimen, and so he was my biggest suspect since he'd not built any of mu trust yet.

"Mr Rosario, we've caught up with your men Steve here and nothing helpful qas given. But surely, we'll soon have all this taken care of." Officer Dean Martin, leader of the crew said as i approached.

I shook his hand, nodding furiously at him. "Thank you, that will be all." He turned and walked back inside the mall to continue further investigations.

I took a look at my men, five pair eyes on me. Robin, Mario, Steve, Henry and Slim, plus not to forget my very silent best friend standing next to me, Damien. "Code red." I announced and everyone went rigid.

Eyes turning serious as they waited for my next instructions. "Matteo is our target. We'll be attacking his territory-"

"Are you insane?!" Damien snapped, butting in when he knew to never speak over me. Sometimes I wished he wasn't like a brother to me because I'd gladly shoot him. "Weren't doing tgat shit-"

"Yes we are, I'm the boss if you've forgotten." I glared sorely at him. "I make the decisions and you all fucking follow."

"And I'm your underboss." He gritted, hands fisted. "I keep you away from stupid decision makings as this. I make sure ypu aren't thinking irrationally."

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