Chapter twelve

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I've been spending a lot of my time with Alejandro and if I said I didn't enjoy it then I'm definitely lying. He's a complete sweetheart and I might have developed a crush on him, yes I might have.

Today he hasn't sent me a good morning text, and I'm not sure if I should worry, panic or give no fuck about where he is and what he's doing. Instead, my heart chose on its own, because I'm seriously panicking the fuck out.

This is why I shouldn't have let a man in so easily, they tend to disappoint at the end, it hasn't even been a month and he's already doing disappearing acts on me, this should definitely be a sign.

Tiffany and Titi went to the spa to treat themselves to some relaxing day, whiles I stayed in with Gios' nanny and baby Gio. I didn't mind, because I'm obviously sulking like a sad little puppy, blaming myself for letting someone in, especially a person who looks like he earns millions.

With the house Alejandro has, he sure does earn millions to his name, maybe even billions. And you get me, someone who earns nothing because she has no job and has about 20k in her bank account.

"You both sound so sweet. How long have you guys been dating?" I asked Tie, Gios' nanny. We were currently in the kitchen cooking something to eat whiles Gio laid fast asleep.

"We've been together for two years and just moved in together a month ago." She said with a shy smile. Tie was a  cute twenty-one years old, and when I found out she's this young I was slightly shocked.

She looked way younger than she told me, maybe eighteen, and I probably shouldn't have been fooled just because of how small and short she is.

She's telling me about her boyfriend Max, who apparently she loves s much, and that they've moved in together and sometimes he comes over and helps her babysit Gio with her. She actually talks very fondly about this Max guy and I hope he was in love just like she was.

"That's a pretty long time. Lucky you, girl. I'm glad you have someone who adores you this much not every man respect women and truly love theirs, so if you found one, you must be lucky." She beamed at me, and I helped her dish both our plates with Spaghetti Bolognese.

After washing the dishes we took our seat in the small dinning table, facing each other. "What about you?"

I raised a brow. "What do you mean 'what about me'?"

"No boyfriend? Fiance?" I nearly chocked on my full mouth if spaghetti, but instead shook my head rapidly in denial.

My heart squeezed in my chest once again when Devon came to mind, and immediately this longing washed over me and kept me uneasy. I don't know why the need to be in his arms hugged me, something that shouldn't even happen.

"Nope." I chuckled, shaking my head. "I have no one in my life right now." Then Alejandro popped up, and I immediately blushed. Fucking goodness, I forgot about him. Funny, because he was in my mind just a few minutes ago.

Tie smirked, "That smile says otherwise." She teased, her blue eyes pinning me to place with her small pink lips parted in a grin. "You're blushing, Lysha."

"Oh shut the hell up, I'm not and there's no one." She nodded with the look that said she obviously didn't believe me, making me roll my eyes.

A while later, around the afternoon Tiffany and Titi came back. They looked pretty freshened up and slightly tired. Tiffany didn't even greet us, just went straight to the fridge then to her guest bedroom that she stays in whenever she's around, with a 'need a nap' before disappearing.

Titi, went straight to her bedroom after greeting us t change than made her way down to Tie, Gio and I. "My baby, how's my little Gio?" She talked to the kid with a pout, grabbing him from my hands.

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