Chapter twenty-eight

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"Miss please, you can't keep starving yourself like this." Gredda Myers, Alejandros' private chef begged me. Her persistence fucking with me slowly and eventually I'd snap.

Gredda is a fifty-six years old Italian woman, really short and round. Her blackish white hair always in a tight neat bun. She's really sweet and nice, very caring too but at times super annoying.

"I'm not hungry." I am fucking hungry. I could practically feel my stomach eating itself. Currently I couldn't have anything, seeing that I was on a hunger strike. Hoping and praying this motherfucka would let my ass go.

I've done everything in the books to annoy him, but it seems he was a very strong headed man, not easy to crack. He took everything in before reacting and avoided any of my comebacks and little tantrums.

Another two days went by and I've been her for a week. Wondering if I'd ever be free. At this point I'm fucking sure this is kidnapping. He's kidnapped me and I had to get a way out of here as soon as possible, before he made my stay fully permanent.

Gredda sighs, looking down at me with this warm soft eyes. "hi cara mia. Why do this to yourself, my dear." She pats my cheeks then lays two soft kisses on each. My shoulders relaxed and I smiled at her. "You trouble yourself too much for that ungrateful boy."

I couldn't help but laugh. Gredda seems free to talk I'll about Alejandro unlike the other and I'm guessing it's because they had a close relationship, kind of like a mother and son. "You shouldn't worry too much about me, Adda. I'll be fine."

Gredda smiles lovingly down at me. Before grabbing the tray full of delicious goods. She looked in my eyes once more but finally turned and left my assigned bedroom in this mansion.

Once the door was slammed softly behind her. My whole body dropped on the soft sheets and I groaned in pain due to hunger. Fuck it, I'm punishing myself so much just in order to gain sympathy and leave. I'm doing all this and pray it fucking works.

I'm not even sure if Titi is worried or what must be happening out of this mansion. My phone was taken away and I'm not even allowed to watch television in here. All I do is sleep, eat, mess around and then sleep some more.

My door was slammed open and I shrieked in fright, seating up right immediately in panic. Alejandro stood there, fuming slightly. "You're not eating."

"I don't feel like."

"You'll starve yourself to death, Lysha. Stop being fucking childish!" He growls, walking closer to me. "Don't be stubborn with me and just-"

"Let me starve then! Why do you care!" He shook his head, grabbing me by the neck. My eyes widens slightly in fear as he slams my body down the bed, hovering above me.

His chest heavies but eyes stayed composed. I could see the internal conflict inside of him. I was driving him insane but he was turned in by this. "Don't fucking mess with me, mi amore. Finirai per pentirtene."

Without second glance, he got off me and stood up. His eyes holding mine firmly and so harshly in place. "I'll tell nonna to get you something."

Alejandro walks out, slamming my door extremely loud. He acted like a teenage boy at times, even worse, more like a teenage girl. "Fuck you!"

"Miss please, you can't do this!"

"I'll do whatever I fucking want, it's my fucking body!" Gredda grabs a hold of my wrists. Her face morphed to one of worry and panic. The look on her face nearly had me overthinking, nearly.

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