Chapter twenty-two

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Alejandro Rosario Tijeras

As soon as I parked my car and got out, I saw a woman dressed in a tight skin red dress running out of the main door of my private home. She stood leaning on the door with her hip pushed up and that look that told me I'm about to face a lot of fucking shit tonight.

My time spent with the beautiful miss Lysha left me in a very good mood, and I'm very sure not even she could change it. And if the fucker dared to shift my energy then I'm surely going to need a call with Lysha once more so her sweet innocent voice calmed me down.

"Where were you?" She asked as I stood right in front of her. Her frame blocking the main entrance of the house and I had no fucking energy to deal with her shit or walk to the back door.

"Stephanie, what are you doing in my house?" Her blue eyes were on my green ones, the were bloodshot and my heart clenched as I took note that she's been crying. "You've been crying." I voiced, about to grab her face when she pulled away, walking inside and leaving me standing here.

"Where the hell were you, Alejandro." She asked once again, this time her tone cracked up, my feet immediately following behind her. I sighed and watched as she walked straight to my stationed living room bar, taking note of three empty whiskey bottles on the table.

She made herself another drink and took it down in one gulp. Her face morphed in pain and disgust before she did it again. "Put that away. You've had enough." Stephanie ignored me, refilling her glass for the third time.

On instinct, I grabbed it away from her, with the bottle as well. She whines, trying to fight me. "Give that back to me."

"You know it's not good for you, Stephanie." Her shoulders tensed and she stumbled back. Biting down on her lips as her eyes watered. Cursing myself, I dropped them on the desk so I could grab her.

Her hands raised forward and she warned me not to lay a hand on her. "Now I'm Stephanie?" Stephanie asked in disbelief, shaking her head as her blond hair bounced around her face. "What happened to bella, tesoro, baby-" they were all reserved for someone else now. I couldn't call her those, then dared to call Lysha that as well.

"Come here, you're drunk."

"Don't fucking touch me! Where were you, Alejandro?!" She was fucking with me. Since when did she want to know where I go."I came here to an empty house, and it's fucking midnight!"

"I had some work to take care of."
She laughed, her eyes were insane and I knew what this meant, she hadn't taken her medication. "Did you take your-"

"Don't." Moving to take a sit on the couch, I followed with a sigh. "Don't fucking ask as if you care."

"Come, you need to take them before-"

"Before what?" Her eyes sharpened in anger. "Before I run mad?" Fuck, she must already gone mad at this point. Stephanie was not herself when she didn't take any of her medication, in fact she didn't even know what the hell she said or did half the time.

"Let's not start okay, I'm tired." Having enough, I turned to make my way up the staircase to my bedroom. I heard light but rapid footsteps following behind me. "Go home, Stephanie."

"I was still talking." She insisted, and I could just feel a headache forming. "Well I'm done, now leave."

"We aren't fucking done, Jandro." Ah shit, why did I always end up with the crazy bitches. "You were with her, weren't you?"

I stopped in my tracks, turning around to face her. My brow raised in question as I eyed her up and down. "What?" I acted clueless.

Stephanie didn't like that. "Now you'll act like you don't know shit? Come on, I saw how you looked at her yesterday at your party."

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