Chapter twenty-three

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Alejandro stayed frozen on top of me, he refused to move and instead caged me down on the couch, leaving me restless and confused. As his eyes stared at the person that finally made their appearance.

He cursed silently to himself in Italian.

Getting off me, taking me by the waist and helping me up as well. Turning, I came face to face with a beautiful woman. She looked a lot like Alejandros' brother, Alessandro. With that mischievous look in her eyes, the nose and cheek bone. She was more pale than toned.

Dressed in a skin tight black dress that reached just above her knees, with killer heels about 8 inches, and a black hand bag. Her hair is black and falling just above her chest in waves.

She was gifted on the hips and chest, but she looked decent, every part of her body covered except her sleeveless arms and smooth pale legs.

Her eyes were narrowed in question as she looked from me to Alejandro, who by the way didn't say a thing. She folded her arms, pushing a hip and looking questioningly at us both.

Immediately, I got uncomfortable. Looking at Alejandro for help, he wasn't helping at all. In fact he looked shocked and slightly annoyed. Alejandro stood up on his feet, his actions making me follow suite.

First thing that came in my mind was, is she another one of his girls? How many women did this man have. Before I could say anything, Alejandro finally opened his mouth. "Madre." (Mother)

Fuck, Madre meant mother, right? I've heard Louis call his mother that over the phone.

The woman stood up, walking forward and with that same look in her eyes, she took a seat on the couch away from us. Making herself comfortable.

"Ragazzo mio, Vedo che hai compagnia." She smiled, making me uncomfortable, even though I couldn't help but panic. Like what the fuck, this is his mom. (My boy, I see you have company)

Alejandro looked at me, and as shocking as it is, I let him pull me towards him, he grabbed me by the waist, and made me stand in front of him. "Cosa stai facendo qui?" She raised a brow in question, her smirk wavering. (What are you doing here).

For a second, those blue eyes of her snapped to my figure. They were so full of anger and judgement that I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. She eyed me slowly, taking me in from head to toe.

Unlike Stephanie, her stare held so much power. Her presence demanded respect and I couldn't help but give it to her. Looking down at my feet to hide away from that stare. My own body went stiff in Alejandros' arms. "Non posso più visitare mio figlio avresti potuto chiamare, mmh?" (Can't I visit my son anymore)

Her eyes snapped back to Alejandro. I felt how his hands held me tightly with a firm protective grip. Squeezing my waist to calm his nerves. He was nervous, on edge and maybe anxious too. Whoever this woman is, her mother I presume, is definitely not welcomed.

"Forse una telefonata sarebbe Stata fantastica." She snapped those eyes back on Alejandro, who looked like he regretted the words he said. This is the part I wish I knew a little bit of Italian, because I felt stupid just standing thére. (Maybe a call would have been great)

"Quindi mi serve Il permesso per venire a vedere mio figlio, ragazzo?" (So I need permission to come see my own son, boy)

"Madre-" he paused, sighing softly. "Non è quello che intendo." (That's not what I meant/mean). She snorted, rolling her lip glossed lips in between her teeth.

She shook her beautiful shiney black hair, bouncing messily on her chest. Her face turned to one of hurt, making Alejandro tighten his grip to a point I felt a sharp pain on my waist. My teeth bites down on my lip to shut me up, this is not the time to say shit.

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