Chapter four

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Titi promised to help me look for a job, she said it'll be difficult finding one in Rome, Italy. Seeing that most people here owned their little companies, and Rome was more of a place where you came for vacation and had a few nights away before hoping on a plane and going back.

I also find out that Louis didn't actually live here, this was where they had their honeymoon, before he got shipped here for good because of work he was giving by his boss.

I asked Titi multiple times what Louis did for a living and she'd always shrug and said business, and when I asked what kinda business, it's different answers every time.

Once she said he 'Worked for a company in Rome'

And when I asked again, she said he 'owns a few businesses here and there.'

And just yesterday I asked and she said 'he works for  a very dangerous and important man, that she can't talk about because she's not permitted to.'

Okay, now I was a bit curious. What type of work could you do that made you come back late at nights around 2am or even 3am?

Is it just me or were the red signs flashing on my face, something was definitely up, but I wouldn't want to be noisy, so I'd let it slide.

Currently, Titi and I are roaming the streets of Rome, Italy. With our bags in hand. We'd discarded the car a few minutes ago and decided to walk, seeing that the streets were so busy and crowded.

We left her G-wagon at a safe spot and started our journey.

Oh, did I mention that even if we've been on feet for not more than 30 minutes, Titi was whining like a bitch about her sore feet.

"Oh my goodness, my feet hurt!" She leaned on me, making me drag her along. I rolled my eyes, I thought I was the dramatic one, I forgot how annoying she could get

"Bish, move your fat-ass off me." Pushing her arm, she stumbles back pouting. "You're the one who suggested we should walk."

"I change my mind, let's go back to the car." She turned around about to walk back, but I held onto her arm, pulling her with me to a small Café, it said "Talia's little secrets" in bold pink. It was our next stop.

"Oh shut up and come." Upon entering, I smiled.

"But, my feet!" She whines more. "My poor feet."

How in the fucking world does Louis handle her, it's been a week and she's driving me insane, crazy!

I ignored her, walking forward and into the Café. This was one beautiful and comfy place to work at.

The place was decorated in warm pink and blue. A small door bell on top to signal when a customer got in. Soft and comfy looking chairs sat at the two corners in blue.

The counter was up front and a cute round middle age lady stood behind it, talking to a customer with the warmest smile. "This looks like a nice place to work at."

"It does." I agreed with Titi who finally stopped whining to admire this place with me. "I hope they hiring though."

We waited for the middle age woman to finish up, and when she was done. The man she was attending to moves aside and takes a seat, her eyes dropped to the small computer on the side, probably taking orders from there.

Her soft blond curls were slightly white probably from age, her lips thin and chappy with wrinkles under her blue eyes. She didn't look Italian, probably American, but hearing her speak fluent Italian proved to me that maybe she had a bit of Italian in her.

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