Chapter twenty-nine

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My face licks with the blood of the man Alejandro killed coldly without a thought. I felt how sticky and warm it is as it slides down my forehead, to my cheeks and disappearing underneath my cheeks. The iron scent so strong it left an unwelcomed feeling in my stomach.

I still sat there, my eyes sorely on the gun till pointed at the long dead man, the man that died two minutes ago. Watching as his murder didn't even turn to look in regret at what he's done, ending a life without thought.

At first I felt numb, confused and lost in my own world. I didn't know what to feel. Whether to scream, cry, panic or stay silent, stay still and frozen into place. I didn't have to think twice about it, as Alejandro's voice broke the painful, suffocating silence.

"Tutti voi, uscite!" Alejandro commands, no one moved at first. I felt eyes on me, trying to figure my reaction, trying to understand what my mind was telling me. What I was going to do, how I was going to react, but that was not needed,I gave them nothing.
(All of you,out)

I heard a safety being pulled and just like that, my eyes shut as Alejandro raised his gun and pointed it at someone in the room. "Get the fuck out!" I jumped, clenching my eyes tight. "...and take this damned body with you!"

"Yes capo, proprio su di esso." I took note of Sila's voice. Then chairs began to move. They all scattered to get their asses out of here. One by one, man after man left. The body being dragged out like some sack of potatoes.

The door slammed shut and I looked at the trail of blood on the floor,  and gulped. "Why are you fucking standing there!" My eyes snapped up, and I looked at the person Alejandro is talking to. Damien, he sat on the seat he was. Not moving a single muscle, face without emotions as he glared at Alejandro.

"I'm not leaving her here. If I leave, I'm taking her with me." This man wanted to die, was he crazy or something. Alejandro just killed a man! Where the hell did he even get a fucking gun! And Why is no one bothered about it!

"Damien, I have little patience left in me-" he paused, raising his gun to his friend. My eyes immediately widens and I jumped up on my feet. My movements caught his attention and he glares my way, silently telling me to not move. "-don't make me shoot you."

"Non sei sano di mente. Non posso lasciarti solo con lei". (I don't trust you with her. I'm not leaving without taking her with me.)

"Leave or else I won't hesitate to shoot, Damien. Non esiterò a premere questo cazzo di grilletto".  Damien got on his feet, his hands in his pocket as he ignored every word that came out of his mouth. (I won't hesitate to pull the trigger)

He sighs, rubbing his forehead. "Please, Alejandro. Reconsider your-"

"Damien for the last fucking time. Leave my damn office."

"Look at her!" Damien snapped and I jumped in fright, taking a step back. "She's fucking scared! She's clueless and she's shaking!" When he said this, I just then took note of my shaking fingers and racing heart.

Alejandro's eyes snapped to my frame. For a second his eyes softened, but it went blank immediately. He spoke to Damien but his words were directed to me. "She needs to get punished." My heart dropped. "She made me kill a very important asset in the business."

His hand finally dropped, as he turned his whole body at me. With his signature cold face, he started walking towards me. My feet took me back slowly with the same pace he used. My eyes looking up at him as I felt my body shake more. Waves of fear and panic washing over me. "You know how much money I fucking lost, carinõ?"

I shook my head rapidly, looking around for help. My heart clenched tightly in fear when my back hit the wall behind me. "Alejandro, it's not her fault!"

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