Chapter nineteen

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"A date?!"

I sighed, walking inside my bathroom to wipe the makeup off my face. Trying not to let the emotions bundled up inside of me spree to life. "Yes, a date."

"Please tell me you said no." Titi spoke loudly from inside the bedroom. Her voice filled with disappointment and slight irritation from what I picked up. Her flats dragged along with her as her ass made an appearance in the bathroom.

My hands scrubbed the soap aggressively on my cheeks. I looked at her reflection in the mirror, meeting that disappointed gaze. "I said yes." There was a good long silence before she folded her arms. "I know what that look means, Titi but I had no choice."

"Oh come on, it couldn't be that hard to say no to him unless you really want to go to that date."

I stared wide-eyed at her, my hand freezing it's movements. Turning to glare at her on the spot, I couldn't believe her tone. "What the fuck?" She rolled her eyes, looking away from mine and shaking her head.

She was in a black and white night gown, with her red hair in a messy bun on top of her head. Her face, makeup free and revealing dark circles underneath her eyes.

"Titi what's up with you lately?" She frowned. "I really tried to say no but he insisted. He kept insisting, he went on and on and I found it difficult to say no-"

"What did he do? Point a gun on your head or something?" The woman that stood in front of me couldn't in no way possible be my best friend. Her behavior was going out of hand and it bothered me immensely.

"No, he did not."

"Then what was it?" She paused. "Because if not a gun pointed on your head, I know for a fucking fact that you agreed because you wanted to. That's it."

"Believe whatever you want." Returning back to the task at hand, I scrubbed my face and washed it after. Using a towel to dry up. Turning around, I caught Titi still standing there, her eyes glued to the floor.

She was too quiet for my liking and it bothered me. So much that looking at her face started to annoy me. She sighed and looked up to make eye contact, one I was not so happy about. "I'm sorry."

"I'm just worried about you and my first instinct is to protect you from people like Alejandro?"

"People like Alejandro?" She nodded. Taking steps towards me and grabbing my shoulders. "Yes, people like him."

"Isha, they aren't the best people. They are incredibly dangerous, cruel and bad. People you should stay away from."

Titi had a mission and that was to make me see Alejandro in a different light. Even though I'd hate to admit it, I slightly started fearing what she'd constantly warned me about, but it didn't make sense if Louis is involved with them. "... and Louis?" Testing her was either going to turn out wrong or right.

Her mood immediately changed and she took a step back in slight frustration. "Louis is not one of them, he's different!"

"He ain't different if he's working with the said dangerous guy, huh?" I pushed pass her to make my way inside my bedroom. "Can you just stop it, Titi! Like damn."

Following me, she shook her head and flopped on my bed as I rummaged in my wardrobe. Taking out a simple shirt for the night and pajama shorts. "I'm just looking out for you. You don't know that man as well as I do. His family, they aren't people to mess with-"

"I'm not going on a date with his family. I'm going on a date with Alejandro if you might have forgotten, Titi."

"Gosh, why are you so difficult." She mumbles to herself, rubbing her eyes and face. " freaking stubborn."

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