Delightful Day || Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

"Haven't found anyone captivating yet." His gaze never left mines.

"Seriously?! Woman throw themselves at you all the time I bet, so how can you not find any of them charming?" I questioned with a slight frown.

"Haven't connected with any of them yet." He shrugged making me hum.

"Are you a virgin? Saving it for marriage?"

"That's inappropriate to ask Ms.Valentine." He said raising a brow as he crossed his arms over his broad and toned chest.

"We're both adults here, sex isn't forbidden so answer me." I crossed my arms sitting up right. He chuckled once again before shaking his head slowly as if in disbelief yet amusement.

"You just never let up." He smiled and I couldn't unsee how much brighter his eyes looked.

"Nope." He sighed before speaking.

"I'm not a virgin Lyla, but that doesn't mean I'll sleep with just any woman that throws herself at me." I nodded taking in his words.

"Do you even like anyone?" I asked.

     His eyes lingered on my face then eyes as silence lingered for a bit. I might of been imagining it but I swore his eyes flickered to my lips...I might of just imagined it if I'm being honest.

"I might have one person I've taken a liking to recently." He said with his dashing and hypnotizing smile. He even has dimples!

"Really?! Who? Does she work here? What's she like?" I asked excitedly.

"She doesn't work here, and she's a pain in my ass but I've managed." He said smiling looking into my eyes. I nodded slowly taking in his words.

"Glad to see I'm not the only one stressing you out Mr.Grey." I said with a smile which made him chuckle.

"Mmm..." he nodded slowly before going back to his marking papers. Soon a paper came up with a big fat 'FUCK YOU PRICK!' and my name at the top corner. Nothing else was on there and I locked eyes with him when he looked up at me. He leaned back in his chair and held the paper up showing me my work.

"Seriously? Every time?" He asked raising a brow as his free hand rested on the armrest of his chair drumming his fingers.

"Oops?" I asked with a shrug as my face went in pure regret. He rolled his eyes before sighing and just throwing the paper away.

"Start taking your studies seriously."

"If I've been sucking in school since forever Mr.Grey, there's no hope for me now." I said with a smile as I sat back.

"It's never too late to reconsider." He said as he went back to checking papers which seemed to have annoyed him by the way he would lowly swear when he read their answers.

Soon after we were standing outside of his office as he locked his door.

"Once again Mr.Grey, it's never a pleasure." I said with a smile as I walked away.

"Yeah well likewise." He said smiling down at me once he caught up to me.

We were at the bottom of the steps now and he was walking towards his car.

"Enjoy your cold bed Ms.Valentine." He said with a smile once he opened his car door making me laugh.

"Will do Mr.Grey, likewise." I said with a big smile on my face making us both laugh once again.

I walked back to my dorm in a daze as I smiled thinking back on my day. It was eventful and most definitely delightful. I knew we weren't friends and he'll be back to being an ass tomorrow but it felt nice to know he was nice when he was ready.

Never thought I'd see this side of him and I like that I did. I walked into my dorm and Sofi along with all the girls were on her bed sitting around her laptop. All their eyes fell on me as I closed the door.

"What are you so happy about?" Elena asked.

"I made Mr.Grey laugh." I said with a smile still in a daze as I threw my bag on my bed. They all stared at me in disbelief as I wore a proud smile on my face.

"Laugh?! He laughs?!" Delilah asked in disbelief with wide eyes as she watched me.

"And he smiled too. Can you believe he has dimples?" Their jaws dropped and I laughed.

"How did it sound? Did he look cute while he smiled? Was he more handsome?" Sofi asked making me laugh.

"I'm taking a shower." I said before grabbing some clothes and going to bathroom.

     Ugh his smile and laugh are now engraved in my head...


Is Mr.Grey already hooked? Tehe



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