Chapter 25: Never Miss a Beat

Start from the beginning

They leave, but Penny turns to give a wave of farewell to Ruby, who does the same. Port goes back over to the stadium speakers to announce, "Our next match will begin in 15 minutes!"

Ruby gets really excited as she clasps her hands together, "Oh my gosh, that's right! It's time for Neo and Weiss' round!"


Neo stands in the center of the field with Weiss at her side, stretching out her arms with her parasol in hand, nodding to Weiss. Weiss looks to Neo.

"Just remember to keep proper form." Weiss starts listing off the facts as Neo loosens up her legs as well. "Seeing as their Kingdom, academy, and armed forces are all merged as one, I think we can expect strict, militant fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies."

At that very moment, a rainbow zooms past the two surprised Huntresses-in-training, coming to a stop opposite them, revealing a pigtailed Faunus girl with roller blades and a cat tail swishing around her weapon next to a young man wearing a fedora and sunglasses, holding a trumpet in one hand.

Weiss recovers from her shock faster than the wide-eyed Neo, "... Or whatever they are."

Flynt calls out to Weiss, "Hey!" Weiss looks over to him as he gestures at her, smiling. "You're Weiss Schnee, right? The heiress."

Weiss bows her head and smiles at the recognition.

"I am." Flynt nods.

"I take it you're pretty good with Dust, then?" Weiss humbly shrugs.

"I do my best." Flynt nods in acknowledgement.

"Yeah, my dad was good too. Owned a little Dust shop of his own." He nods his head, eyes hidden behind his shades, until his smile turns into a scowl, tone turning hostile, "Till your father's company ran him out of business." Weiss looks ashamed now.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Flynt looks away sarcastically.

"Sure you are."

Neo raises her finger with a raised eyebrow.

Neon mocks Neo, "Hey! Why don't you?" She drops her unflattering imitation as she points at Neo, smiling, "That's what you would sound like!" Neo doesn't know how to react.

Neon speaks to Neo again as she places Hush on her shoulder, "Hey! Where'd you get your hair dye?'

Neo looks at her hair and shrugs. She starts getting annoyed.

Neon cuts Neo off, "You should try rollerblading sometime! It's super fun!" She starts spinning in place as she continues rapidly, "It'd probably take you a while, though, since you're so... you know, top-heavy for someone so pint-sized."

Neo looks down at herself as the holographic roulette begins, blushing, as she scowls.

Ruby rolls her eyes from the stands.

"Oh, here we go." Blake, Yang, and Y/N shake their heads in disapproval and offense to what Neon implied.

The field opens around the four combatants, and up rises the volcanic area, sandy desert, steaming geysers, and ruined buildings. As both teams prepare themselves for battle, Port counts them down.

"Three! Two! One! Begin!"

Right as it starts, Flynt raises the instrument to his lips and blows, issuing forth a sound wave that blows both Weiss and Neo back from the force. Weiss is able to create a glyph under her to stop sliding back, but doesn't see Neon spinning into the attack and using it to push herself forward so she can charge at Neo opening her parasol in a rainbow burst of speed and push her into the city portion.

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