Not Threats; Promises || Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

I sent out an email to the whole school letting them know there will be a party in Mr.Greys clasroom first period and booze along with all the drugs they could think of will be provided. Music as well of course.

"Lyla you didn't!" Sofi said in disbelief as she read her notification.

"Yes the fuck I did." I closed my laptop and drifted off to sleep.

I made sure to wake up extra bright and early to set everything up. I got dressed and as I walked out of my room I could hear everyone talking about the party. I snickered to myself. I got a bunch of drugs by a secret connection I made and all the booze as well.

I set everything up and couldn't feel happier. He's going to be so pissed. I'm definitely fucked after this. The bell for class sounded and everyone and their fucking mothers were here. The music was blasting and the booze along with drug was being consumed like water. Thankfully our dear teacher was running late today.

The party went on and I was surprised security wasn't here yet seeing as all the students were surrounding Mr.Greys classroom and some inside. A silhouette I knew too well stood next to me and turned the music off. I was sitting on his desk facing the class leaning back on one hand with my legs crossed as I sucked on a lollipop enjoying the chaos.

"EVERYONE OUT!" He shouted and everyone disappeared just as fast as they had appear. I turned my head to him and smirked making him even more pissed off. He looked like he was about to explode.

"Office. NOW!" I giggled before hopping off the desk and making my way to Mr.Abraham's office. So worth it.

We were now in Mr.Abraham's office and he doesn't even know what to do with me.

"Every punishment I've given you has clearly done nothing." He said rubbing his temple making me laugh slightly.

"I have the perfect punishment Mr.Abraham." I looked over at Mr.Grey who smirked at me. Prick.

"And what's that?" He asked tiredly.

"She can serve lunch and clean up the mess she made outside and inside of my classroom."

"Great idea Mr.Grey. Ms.Valentine that will be your punishment. You will serve lunch for a week." I groaned wanting to choke him.

"Hey Mr.Abraham?" I asked still keeping my eyes on my teacher. I looked towards Mr.Abraham who eyed me in curiosity.

"If a teacher was to disappear what'll happen then?"

"Don't even think about it." He said warning me.

"What? It was just a question." I said innocently before getting up. Once up before walking off I looked down at Mr.Grey and stooped down to his ear.

"Watch your back prick." I said before walking off.

If he thought that party was bad, he has something else coming for him. Just like stated I was serving lunch to a bunch of pricks. Here comes Ms.Queen bee laughing at me.

"Well look who it is." I rolled my eyes not in the mood.

"You're even uglier back there. I mean honestly what does Ryan even see in you? You're so useless and not even pretty." Before I could come to my sanity I smiled sweetly at her and before I knew it I was on top of her beating her with the ladle I had in my hand. I was pulled off by Justin and Eric but I wanted more, I was out for blood. I pushed them off and started beating her with my fist but this time a stronger pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me off as I struggled to get out of their grip so I just stopped.

"Suck on that bitch!" I said as I threw the ladle after her smacking her on the forehead.

"You're dead Lyla!" She shouted making me laugh as I started slapping the arm around my waist and struggling to get out of their grasp.

"Fucking come and kill me slut! PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN!" I kept struggling but before I could get out of their grasp the person turned around and started walking away.

"I'm going to make your life a living hell Lyla!"

"You can try slut it already is!" I shouted back after moving my head to try and look back at her.

I kept struggling towards wherever I was being taken to but the person didn't seem fazed. After a bit I stopped and just threw my head back onto the persons chest. I looked up and groaned when I saw it was Mr.Grey. Of course it was him.

Once in his classroom he placed me on the ground and told me to sit in the chair in front of his desk as he stood before me looking rather pissed.


"Huh?" I asked confused as fuck.

"Why Ms.Valentine? Every time I turn to look somewhere or go somewhere you're there in some kind of trouble. Do you not know how to avoid problems?!" I crossed my arms over my chest and just glared at him.

"What would your parents think about your behavior?" He crossed his arms looking at me with disappointed eyes. Of course. I shot up out of my chair and slammed my hands on the desk one time.

"How about you mind your own fucking business and leave me alone?!" I went to walk off but he grabbed my wrist.

"Lyla sit the fuck down." I yanked my arm away from his grasp and crossed my arms over me chest again glaring at him.


"What would your mother think of this behavior?"

"I wouldn't know, she's rotting in the ground as we speak." I said with a casual shrug. He looked sad which made me smile as I went up to him and stopped right in front of him.

"Don't look so sad Mr.Grey." I said sweetly as I tilted my head slightly.

"You'll be joining her soon." I flashed him my million dollar smile showing my teeth and all as I patted his cheek. He grabbed my wrist and just stared at me with a blank stern face before letting go of my arm once it was far away from his face.

"Is that a threat Ms.Valentine?" He asked coldly. I chuckled slightly shaking my head.

"I would never Mr.Grey. I don't do threats, I make promises." I smirked evilly and turned around and walked off.

"I'll make you wish you never came here Mr.Grey." I teased out and then chuckled as I walked out of his class.

And I meant that.


I ship them!



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