Chapter 52 - Born to kill

Start from the beginning

Which left me with Victoria.

It made no sense for her to come back just to hunt random hikers. If she were to come back to Forks, it would be to either go after Bella or me. However, judging by the lack of scent or activity around our houses, it most likely meant that the missing hikers were not her doing. So, like Laurent, she was partially excluded from the list as well.

Then, it left me with the last option : a random nomad hunting in the area.

Suddenly, a howl was heard in the woods behind my house. The sound was clear which meant that whoever howled was closer to Forks than La Push. And the only reason why they'd be howling in Forks right now, was either because they got caught in one of those traps or because a vampire was in town.

I choked on the milk I was drinking, and Nana tapped my back.

"Aiyanna." my mom desperately called my name as I stood up in hurry.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, looking up at her. "I know. We'll be careful." I tried to reassure her.

The tension on her forehead never relaxed, but that didn't stop me from going. I was awaited.

I ran off towards the woods, forgetting to strip naked and instead, tore my clothes while turning. Once I did, I heard the orders given by Sam to the boys who had shapeshifted before I did. I found my position once Sam assigned it to me.

Gifted with superior eyesight, Jared was in front, while Sam the strongest, Ricky the fastest and me, the most agile one, were running the closest to him. I was quickly starting to disagree with that statement of me being better at fighting as I witnessed the progress made by each one of them through our training.

The closest to Sam's strength were Paul and Jacob who was a mix of everything. It made me wonder more than once if it was because of his ancestors who were once leaders. Sam and I had proposed to him to take on my role, but he refused, saying he didn't want to have that much responsibility on his shoulders.

Embry, on the other side, seemed to have a hearing sense that was more developed than ours, but we didn't have the time to work much on it yet.

The seven of us were running while trying the cover as much land as possible. The more we ran and the more the disgusting vampire's scent got stronger. However, with time, we learned how to look past it while hunting, so it wouldn't slow us down.

Jared, who could see for miles, saw him pause in a meadow, and through the images he shared with us, I was able to recognize who we were actually hunting.


"You know him ?"

"What the hell ?"

"Wait. He's not alone." Jared interrupted the question asked my way.

There, I could see the long dark brown hair, and the stance of someone I was scared to recognize as well. What sold her out was the backpack she was carrying. I saw this backpack way too school.

Of all days, why the hell was Bella in the middle of the woods ?

"All of you, stop." Sam ordered. "We're off the treaty lands. It could be one of Cullen's friends. Look, she's not scared."

"He has broken the treaty with his killings !" Jacob intervened, urgent. The fact that Bella, his friend, was the one who was in front of Laurent was making him uneasy.

"We can't prove it. We didn't witness it." Sam reminded him.

Sam didn't want to start a war without being sure of the consequences.

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