The Introduction || Chapter 26

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"Keep this up and you'll probably graduate valedictorian. I'm happy you choose to change your life this early on into the school year where you could actually fix your grades, just stay out of trouble will you?" He was now sitting behind his desk in his chair pulling it in.

"I can't make any promises sir." I shrugged and placed my books in my bag.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I reached out to all of my professors and they all sent me the work I've been missing; oh and before you say anything no I didn't use that nasty email I used to send you that....hateful essay." He chuckled slightly making me start to blush. Fuck I stared to hard didn't I?

"I'm happy to see you trying to improve yourself Lyla." The way my name rolled off his tongue did something to me. It's never sounded that good! Okay that's a fucking bold lie. I thought I hated him?! Why can't I stop staring at his lips, or his eyes that pulled me in like the beach tides. Fuck that's so corny. I need air, I'm not thinking straight, his cologne is probably fucking with my senses.

"I should get going to my next class."

"I agree, I should get going as well." He packed up his things and we left together parting ways once we exited the building.

For the rest of the fucking day I couldn't stop thinking about what it'll feel like to have his lips against mines, his hands roaming my body...shit! No! Stop that! It was now after school and we were all hanging out so I decided to invite Ryan. I thought it was time, plus maybe he'll distract me from my stupid crazy thoughts. He's nice to me once and compliments me once and now I can't stop thinking about him! Maybe it's because he didn't fully give up on me and is trying to help me better myself. That's got to be it.

"Ryan! You made it!" I smiled pulling him in for a hug.

"Hey trouble." He smiled kissing my cheek. I grinned cheekily.

"Guys this is Ryan." I introduced him and everything seemed to have died down.

"Hey.." he waved awkwardly and everyone just nodded.

"Uh how about we go get something to eat?" He nodded and I grabbed my things leaving the awkward space.

     After we ate at the cafeteria we went our separate ways and as soon as I opened the door to my room I slammed it shut behind me. 

"What the hell was that?!"

"You should stop messing with him." Ethan said calmly avoiding my gaze and keeping it on the game.

"And why the hell is that?!"

"Did he tell you the reason as to why he's here?"

"N-no why?"

"You should ask the next time you guys meet up again, though I'd encourage it to be in a public setting." Justin said making me eye them feeling pissed off. These bastards.

"FINE! I will!" I said childishly as I crossed my arms over my chest and planted my butt onto my bed.

"Don't be like that." Eric said as he came and hugged me.

"We're just looking out for you." Jay said as he rubbed my arm after sitting next to me and placing an arm around me.

"Fine fine whatever." I sighed smiling when they pulled me into a bear hug not letting me go.

"Get off I'm serious!"

"No! Do you forgive us?" Eric asked squeezing tighter.

"Eric stop!" I said laughing when he started kissing my face all over.

"Stoooppp!!" I started cracking up when he started to tickle me.

"Do you forgive us?" Jay and Justin started tickling me too making me start to cry from laughing.

"Go-go tickle Sofi! Leave me alone!!" I said cracking up.

"I need to pee stop!" I tried to get away but they kept tickling me.

"Okay I'm not mad! I'm not mad!" I laughed out and they stopped. I ran to the bathroom hating how they always got me in a good mood.

Ugh I love these bastards.


I love them so much❤️.



Always love yourself🥰.

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