Romantic Getaway: Day Two, Part Five Interrupted - Part One

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But he was about to get even happier, and that was thanks to something sexy that Gabby was about to do; something that he never expected, nor requested that she do. And that was take off the dress shirt that she was currently wearing. Moving his arm out of the way, Gabby smiled as she started to adjust herself; however, that wasn't what Matt thought she was doing. Rather, he thought that something was wrong. "Hey, is everything okay baby?" Sitting up in bed, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to take off his shirt for him and then threw it to the end of their bed; after all, that was where it really belonged right now as they cuddled up to each other in bed. And let's just say that Matt was very happy over the fact that she just decided to take off his dress shirt for him. "Oh, now I definitely do like the sight of his." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling as she decided to lean in and kiss her dreamy husband softly. After which, she whispered to him. "And I like the feeling of my husband holding me like this, as it means that I get to be really sexy with you." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before smiling as he looked at her. He then opened his arms so that he can get his girl in his arms, which is exactly what he wants to have right now; he wants to hold Gabby in his arms. I mean, they are on a romantic vacation with each other right now; and there is nothing like the feeling of Gabby in his arms, without her bra.

Running his hand up and down Gabby's back while they cuddled up to each other, Matt smirked as he turned his head and then bent down to kiss the top of her head. "You comfortable now?" Gabby agreed with Matt when he asked her whether she was comfortable now, which she most definitely was; that was exactly what she was, and will always be whenever she was in Matt's arms. That was, until she felt her husband move. "Okay, so I can't move; but you can move?" Reaching over to grab his water, Matt showed Gabby that he needed some water. "Right, of course. You need to keep hydrated." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that. "How about you take one at the same time baby? That way we can both have one at the same time, whenever we need one. And that may even lead to us not having to sit up again for a while." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, as that was definitely a smart idea. She then sat up, going to grab her own water bottle so that she could take a sip of her water. Going ahead to grab her water bottle, Gabby then went to take a sip of the water; however, there was also something else that she noticed. And that was a text message. And while she thought about ignoring it, there was just something that told her that she needed to check it out. Taking a breath, she sighed while turning to look at Matt. "Let me guess, your phone is flashing?" Gabby nodded. "How could you tell?" Matt snickered and smiled.

"Because my phone is flashing too. I wasn't sure whether you would be okay with me checking it out or not." Gabby then bit her lip, looking at Matt. "You get to check your phone, and I get to check my phone; if it's business, and not urgent...we ignore it and don't deal with it. Deal?" Matt agreed with his wife when she said that, before rolling over to grab his iPad. "I'm checking my e-mails too." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that before going to grab their phones, that way they can both check their e-mails.


He was currently in his office, sitting at his desk doing something that he didn't want to do; and that was work

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He was currently in his office, sitting at his desk doing something that he didn't want to do; and that was work. He didn't want to work today, but he had to do it because there was something urgent that needed to happen. And that was a matter that he only had the signing power to do right now. But just what are you talking about? Well, that was making payments so that the company can run. Why the CEO hasn't yet added on his best friend, and other senior executives to the list; he has no idea, but he's definitely going to remedy that situation right now...especially when this can affect the future of a deal that they are going to be doing. Apparently, the deal that they have been working on for a while has just been approved by the Board of Directors of the other company, and has also been approved by them; and that means that they need their money. But for some reason, it's yet to go through on their end; and now, he needs to fix this on the weekend. And even worse, Kelly has to do this while he was on his way to picking up his sister from the airport; which later led him to have to pull over onto the side of the road so that he can be safe, which he's glad happened. Taking a breath, the CEO proceeded to speak to his best friend. "I'm so sorry that we have to deal with this right now Kelly." Kelly agreed.

"It's fine man. And I know it comes with the job, because we don't know when this will happen. I just hate that I have to disturb you on your vacation with Gabby, I hope I..." Matt then went to reassure his best friend that he didn't disturb anything sexual. "Oh no man, don't even worry about that. You didn't disturb anything like that. We are just relaxing in bed with each other right now." Stella agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware that was the case. "Good. And I already know that too because I just texted Gabby what was happening. Apparently you just rushed out of there right away?" Matt sighed when he heard Stella say that, as that was the truth. "Yeah, I did. I got scared, and I didn't want to lose this chance. Now, can we just double check the contract. I'm just bringing it up now from the cloud, but do you have it on your computer? I think that you're on the servers. I don't have them on the boat obviously." Kelly laughed as he agreed with Matt, well aware of just what he was saying to him. "Oh, I am well aware that's the case. Here, do you have your e-mail on there? Can you get stuff on there?" Matt agreed with his best friend when he asked him if he has access to his e-mail. "Oh, I have great access to e-mail, and I can download stuff easily. We were just watching Netflix actually." Kelly agreed with Matt.

He then went ahead and sent the contract to him, that way he can read the contract on the yacht; which is definitely something that Matt wants to be able to do. He wants to be able to read the contract that they made with the ambulance manufacturer that they're going to be using. "By the way, have we made a deal with a company to transport them? Are we going to bring them here to Hawaii so that we can see them? Or are we going to send them to Los Angeles, and then go there to go see them?" Matt shook his head. "No, we'll go to Chicago. And it isn't until 2021. We're still working out the details when it comes to the design of the ambulance, so we need to finish that first. We need to do a bunch before we can give it to the CFD. We need to design it, build it, then we need to get it certified, and I want to test it before we even send it to the CFD; and then they are going to test it out as Ambulance 61 in late 2020, and then we have a final report in spring. I want them to test it in the winter before we start production in summer 2021." Stella agreed with Matt when he said that. "Just curious, do you want to include Casey Uniforms to go with it?" Matt then thought about it.

"Okay, I definitely like that idea; but I want you to put that by Gabby, and then I want you guys to do it. I am not sure. But if you do it, I want Gabby to be involved. Plus, I am not exactly involved with ELLA Apparel." That's when Gabby came into Matt's office this morning. "What's this about ELLA Apparel?" Walking up behind her husband, Gabby smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "How are things going?" Matt smiled as he put his hand on Gabby's arm and looked up at her. "Things are good in between me and Kelly, but Stella just put something forward. How about you tell her Stella?" Stella was happy when she heard that Gabby was there. "Hey Gabby, are you having fun?" Gabby agreed with her best friend. "Oh, I definitely am. But what's your idea?" Stella then went to tell her. "I was thinking that we can do ELLA Apparel Uniforms to go with the ambos that Casey Fire are going to produce." Gabby liked the sound of that and smirked at her husband. "Matt, you talk to Kelly and you guys figure this out. Stella, I'll call you on my phone."

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