Chapter Nine

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Hi Readers: What do you guys think of the story so far? I would love to know. Please, leave me some of your thoughts in the comments; including some of your ideas of what you want if you have any requests. But for now, he's Chapter Nine.

Also, I have decided to skip a bit after this chapter as I want to do a romantic thing, but I need to wait until a certain date. So, enjoy the story.

The feeling that came with being alone with Matt was really nice. And even better, she got to have all of Matt's undivided attention on her; and that's something that she feels like she needs at the moment, especially since her father is MIA. So, for her mother to be okay with taking the boys (after she made some bottles); it's just perfect, and there truly is nothing better than the feeling that she had right now. And it's not like she was far, nor was that last feeding the last time that she and Matt were going to see the boys today; they would be back up here tonight, and every night for a few days. However, her mom was just going to take care of them for a couple days. At first, she felt so guilty for doing that; but she feels like this is what she needs right now. She needs some alone time with her husband, so that she can really digest just everything that's gone on lately; and that requires her to be alone with Matt, as she feels emotionally drained at the moment (for some reason). But the truth is that she hates that she feels this way, because this is not how she should be feeling right now.

She just gave birth to her twins, she has an incredibly loving husband, and he loves her more than anything in the entire world; she's found success in her new clothing line, and she's happy in the life that she and Matt have both with each other, as well as their sons. But recently, there's just something that seems to make her feel a bit weird; and she doesn't like the feeling one bit, which is why she needs Matt right now. She needs Matt to hold her in his arms, and she needs to talk to him without any disturbances; and that's exactly what she's going to get now that their sons are downstairs, just being taken care of by her mother and nice. Heck, if they want to bring them into the guest room, she definitely would not complain. Gabby just feels like she needs this time with Matt right now, and she truly believes that he knows that; which is why he was the one that insisted that they take this time, and that's exactly what they're going to do. They're going to take some time alone until tomorrow. Their first time alone (without the boys) in 10 days. This is what she needs, she needs Matt.

And she also needs to thank him, thank him for giving away precious time with their newborn sons; just so that they can take time together, while they hold each other in bed until tomorrow. But before she said anything, she wanted to enjoy the show that was happening in front of her; the show that involved her husband taking off his pants, which was definitely something that she enjoyed. But unfortunately, she did miss him taking off his shirt; not that it was a big deal, as watching him walk around shirtless is still good. Even when he's not taking off his shirt, he flexes sometimes; and she absolutely loves it. Her husband is so muscular, and she's glad that he works out. But she also knows that Matt working out is not just for her benefit, rather it's also for his benefit; more specifically, for the benefit of his mental health. The mental health which has taken a real hit in the past couple months, and which she knows that he's been worried about for a while; while also worrying about so much more. They both have so much on their plates, that Gabby thinks that this is just what they need.

Turning around to look at the woman he loves as she laid down in bed this afternoon, Matt smiled as he could tell that she was happy that they were alone now; this is exactly what the couple need, and they just need to rest and take it easy. "You feel better?" Gabby smiled when Matt asked her whether she feels better, because she most definitely does feel better. There's just something about them being alone that makes her feel better, as it means that they can both concentrate all of their love and attention on each other; which is exactly what Matt plans on doing with Gabby, and that starts right now. Walking over to Gabby on her side of the bed, Matt smiled as he proceeded to sit down next to her and just smiled as he put his hand on her stomach. Putting her hand on Matt's, Gabby smiled due to the fact that she loves him more than anything in the entire world; and she's glad that this is what they're in the midst of doing right now. "You okay with us taking this time?" Moving his hand to Gabby's neck, Matt smiled as he proceeded to stroke her cheek as they both held each other right now.

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