Fast Asleep

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Hi Readers: I want to let you guys know that, before you read this chapter; you're going to want to read Chapter 79 again as it was just updated. But that's all you need to know. Now, how about we get to our second chapter? Hope you guys enjoy it as much (or more than) the last chapter. Thanks again for reading, and let's get to it. Here's Chapter Eighty.

His entire family were fast asleep, upstairs in their room; Gabby was sleeping in their bed, and the boys were in their cribs. And that was fine with Matt, as he knew that they were tired (hence why they were currently fast asleep) after a long day; which is also why he most certainly understands why they need to take a nap right now. But since they're fast asleep, it gives Matt an opportunity to do something else; and now, he isn't talking about working on Gabby's birthday again. Rather, he's talking about making his beautiful wife some supper. But little did he know that Camila was going to be doing that for them; and she didn't know that he was going to be helping her. That's something that he's going to make sure he does, as he wants to make Gabby supper on her birthday; and there's no way that Camila can stop him from doing that, when Gabby is his wife. So, she's going to have to give in, and let him help make the pasta that she's making this evening. "So, I see that somebody's already decided to start supper?" Turning her head, Camila smiled.

"Matt, I didn't know that you were coming to make supper?" Matt smiled, agreeing with Camila as she said that; after which, he carried his and Gabby's water bottles to the sink. "Gabby and the boys are fast asleep, with the boys in their nursery. So, I thought I'd come do something nice for Gabby." Camila smiled when Matt said that, loving how much her son-in-law truly cares for her daughter. "Well, that's nice; but I think we both know that this is really so you don't get in trouble, when she catches you working." Matt snickered a bit when she said that, as he's already been caught once today. "No, she understands if I need to work, because I need to make sure that I continue the company; I am the CEO after all, which means that I'm the head of the company. But that's not something that we're going to talk about right now, as I'm here to make my wife some supper." Camila agreed with her son-in-law as he said that, before watching as Matt walked over to the pot that she already had on the stove; after which, he grabbed the spoon.

Tasting what was in the pot, Matt smiled as he could tell that the sauce that was currently on the stove was being made from scratch; however, it was pretty bland. "That's pretty bland." Camila agreed. "That's because I haven't done anything with it yet, I'm just starting it." Matt agreed with Camila as she told him that. "What type of pasta are you making? Or are you still figuring that out?" Camila smiled. "I'm making a Chicken-Mushroom Pasta." Matt thought about it, before coking his head; after all, he never thought about ever making that type of pasta. "I never thought of that type of pasta. Do you mind if I see the recipe?" Camila laughed a bit as she heard her son-in-law ask her if he can see the recipe, as there's no recipe; rather, it's something that she's made for years and knows how to make by heart. "Oh, there's no recipe. I have made this pasta for years, as it's one of Gabby and Antonio's favorites." Matt agreed with Camila when she said that, smiling at her. After which, he decided to make his way over to the fridge this afternoon.

"So, are we going to be having a salad to go with it? Or do you eat the pasta on it's own?" Camila smiled as she heard Matt ask her that. "No, we have the pasta on it's own. Now, I do need to know though; do you know what you and Gabby are doing for supper?" Turning around to look at Camila, Matt closed the door to the fridge as he was confused. "What do you mean?" Smiling at her son-in-law, Camila proceeded to clarify what she meant. "I mean, how's Gabby feeling? Because I'd like to know how thick to make some of the sauce. I normally make it runny, but I can make it thicker if you're going to be eating in bed? However, I would really appreciate it if I can have supper with my daughter on her birthday." Matt took a breath when he heard Camila ask him said question, as he wasn't sure. "Well, that's the thing. I've never experienced this with Gabby, and I'm not sure what to do right now." Camila agreed with her son-in-law as he mentioned that, as she was well aware of the fact that he's never been with Gabby at the start of a pregnancy.

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