How are Jay, Alex, and the Twins? - Part Two

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He could tell based on how she was upstairs that she was agitated, and that was the entire reason behind his decision to bring Will downstairs with him; so that he could get Gabby to relax, and so that he could find out just why his wife was so agitated right now. After all, the last thing he wants is for his wife to be agitated; especially when she's pregnant with their daughter, whom he already loves and wants to meet more than anything in the entire world. And since Will has already put that at risk once, he didn't want him to be anywhere near Gabby right now; and that was the entire reason why Matt really asked him to join him downstairs, so that he could keep him away from Gabby. Making his way into the kitchen where the pizza was still cooking, Matt took a breath as he walked over to the fridge so that he could get him and Will some beers, which they will enjoy while the food is cooking, and they talk about just what happened prior to him having gone up to the roof (where he saw that his wife was agitated). And he just had this feeling that Will was the reason why Gabby was agitated, and he didn't want that. Turning around with a beer, Matt smiled. "Beer?" Will laughed.

"Do you really want to share a beer with me right now? Or do you just want to get information?" Matt sighed as Will asked him whether he really wanted to share a beer with him, because he wasn't entirely sure. "To tell you the truth, we'll see whether I do or not." Making his way over to the counter with both of the beers, Matt made sure that the fridge was closed; after which, he proceeded to set one of the beers down on the counter (which may or may not become Will's). Once that beer was set down on the counter, he proceeded to bring his own beer close to him, before opening it this (late) afternoon. "So, what was going on upstairs?" Will sighed. "I was just complaining about how Gabby called me bushy, a nickname she has for me now apparently." Matt snickered a bit as he heard Will say that, before putting his hand in front of his face. "Sorry." Will just shook his head as he heard Matt say that. "Seriously? You too?" Matt nodded. "What? It's funny." Will just looked at him. "It is funny, and just take a breather Will; please, relax." Will agreed with Matt as he said that, putting his hand on the counter. "So, what was going on?" Will smiled. "Oh, that was the only complaint."

Matt nodded. "Anything else?" Will smiled. "Just how Gabby reminded me that you guys were basically paying for our living expenses." Matt snickered as he heard Will say that, as that most definitely was an understatement. "Yeah, that's the biggest understatement that I've ever heard." Walking around Matt and Gabby's island so that he could go sit down, Will agreed with Matt as he knew that was the case; after which, he got comfortable so that he could just take it easy with the CEO. "And that was all that was happening upstairs?" Will agreed with Matt as he asked him whether that was all that was happening upstairs. "I promise, that was everything that was happening upstairs." Matt smiled as he heard Will say that, while also knowing what Gabby asked about his brother. "How's Jay?" Will sighed. "You knew that Gabby was asking us about that?" Matt nodded. "I know my wife better than you think, and because I was going to ask about that anyways; specifically, Jay, in case I need to give him a call." Will was confused when he heard Matt say that. "In case you need to give him a call?" Matt agreed. "Dad with PTSD, going through the same thing; I could probably relate to him."

Will thought about it, and agreed with Matt. "Yeah, I can see that being the case." Matt agreed with Will, before smiling at him. "I mean, you know that you can always talk to him too. Sorry if that's how I'm making you feel, but you need to remember that I'm just a friend; you're his family, and he's going to want to lean on you much more Will." Will agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know." Matt smiled as he heard Will say that, glad that he was understanding what he was saying. "Glad that we got past that." Will just laughed as he proceeded to take a sip of his beer, which he most definitely needs. "How are things at the hospital, otherwise? Same as Chicago?" Will shook his head as Matt asked him whether things were the same as Chicago, as they most definitely are not the same as Chicago, heck, even Los Angeles. "Even Los Angeles is different, because it's much faster pace; and I have to say that I really like the island life, and the fact that it's so much slower here. I feel like you can really do more for your patients, because you can spend time more time your patients." Matt agreed with Will as he said that, really liking that idea.

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