Congratulations Future Mom, Part Two

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Walking out of the hospital room together this morning, Jay and Natalie made their way over to the nurses' station that was just outside their room; that way, they can talk to each other close to the room. Yet, they can also (hopefully) keep this conversation out of earshot of Alex. And there was a reason for that, and that would be that Jay doesn't want her to be all stressed right now; right now, she needs to recover, and just take it easy. And thanks to him doing this, he believes that he's going to help her do that. So, hopefully this does work. Just walking up to the desk, Jay looked at his sister-in-law with the hope of her telling him the truth; and that was going to something that he's going to make sure that Natalie knows from the start, that he doesn't want any BS. Taking a breath, Jay looked at her. "Listen Natalie. I don't want to put stress on you because I know you're pregnant, congratulations about that again." Natalie laughed as she heard Jay say that, before smiling at him. "Thanks Jay. Now, what do you need to know from me?"

Jay sighed. "Listen, I know that you're probably already juggling a lot. You're both my sister-in-law, and our doctor. On one hand, you want to protect us; but on the other hand, you need to give us all the information that we need. So..." Natalie sighed as she got the gist of what Jay was trying to ask her. "You think that I'm holding some things back?" Jay sighed when he heard Natalie say that, as he hates the fact that he's even accusing Natalie of this. "Natalie, I hate that I'm accusing you of this; because I know you better than anybody, other than your husband. And I know that you'd never hide important information about our children from us, but I still need to know. I know that you do this for all your patients already, but you know how my brain works; my brain works differently because of my..." Natalie then realized what Jay was trying to tell her. "Because of your PTSD." Jay sighed as he looked at Natalie. "I hate that I'm asking you to treat me special because of my PTSD, but I just need to know ahead of time if I need to..." Natalie shook her head.

"Hey, look at me Jay." Jay agreed with Natalie as she said that. "Jay, the twins are okay, and you're going to be okay; you and Alex are okay, and I meant everything I said in there. And I promise, I will always tell you the truth. Now, do you also want me to tell everything to Alex? Or would you rather I shield her?" Jay took a breath when he heard Natalie ask him that, before turning to look at his wife. "I think that we should just be honest with her. I know Alex, and she'd kill me if she thought that I was hiding things from her; especially when it relates to the kids." Natalie agreed with Jay as he said that, before going to grab his hand. "Jay, I really hate that you're in this position; I hope you know that." Jay agreed with Natalie as she told him that, well aware of the fact that she hates that they're int his position. "Hey, of course I know that Natalie." Natalie agreed with her brother-in-law as he said that, smiling at him before going to hug him; after which, she leaned back and looked at him. "Hey, you listen to me okay?" Jay agreed with Natalie, doing just that.

"You have nothing to worry about right now, because you have me on your side; I'm going to take care of my niece and nephew, because I want them to be okay when their cousin is born." Jay snickered a bit when he heard Natalie say that. "Aw, now I see why you want to be on our medical team; you have your own reasons to make sure that they're all healthy." Natalie laughed as she agreed with Jay. "Oh, I most definitely do. But seriously, I just want what's best for you guys; you're family, and family always takes care of family." Jay agreed with Natalie as she told him that, as that most definitely is the case. "Thank you so much Natalie, you have no idea how much it means to me that you're taking care of us; and that you're doing it while you're also pregnant, because I know that there's stress on you." Natalie smiled when she heard Jay say that, as that most definitely is the truth. "Hey, there's nowhere I'd rather be; I want to be here, taking care of your family.... because they're also my family." Jay agreed with Natalie as she said that, smiling.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora