Lingerie Lunch in Bed with Matteo, Part One

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the flashback that I wrote for you guys from before they left to go on their road trip that started this (long) story that I have written for you guys? A story that now comprises of over 1 million words? I hope that you guys liked it, and are ready for a bunch of chapters that's going to include a bunch of sweet family time. Want to know what I mean? Well, read along dear readers and let me know what you guys think of Chapter One Hundred and Seven. Here we go.

The sight that the father walked in on after getting back from the kitchen (where he got himself and his beautiful wife some lunch) was really nice, because it was something that he's always dreamed of seeing. More specifically, it was the sight of Gabby sitting down in bed with their son Matt on his play mat. They decided that they, in fact, were going to be spending some time with their boys today. But they weren't going to be spending time with both of them at the same time. Rather, they were going to be getting some one-on-one time with their boys separately; Matteo would spend the afternoon with them, and Noah would spend tonight (and stay the night) with them later. And boy was Matt ready for that, as it was going to be nice to get some one-on-one time with his little boys. And he could tell that Gabby was ready to do just that, as she played with him in bed with some of his toys. "Yeah, someone likes the fact that they're going to get some quality time with mommy and daddy now, aren't they Matteo?" Smiling as he heard that, Matt chuckled a bit as it was really adorable; at the same time, Gabby turned her head and looked up at the man she loves. "Do you have something that you'd like to say Mr. Casey?" Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, as he most definitely did not.

"No, I'm good." Carrying their plate of food to her side table, Matt smiled at his beautiful wife; after which, he went ahead and set their pasta down (which they were going to share). "Do you have to go back to the kitchen to get your bowl?" Matt shook his head. "No, because we're going to share. However, I do need to keep my shirt on for now." Matt said, referring to the fact that he was just wearing a t-shirt with his boxers. "What did my family think of that?" Matt smiled as Gabby asked him what her family thought of his attire, before shaking his head. "They're so used to it now, that it doesn't even bother them." Gabby agreed with her husband as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Yeah, I can see why that's the case. Now, I am sure that you can't take that shirt off yet." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that. "As I just said, I need to keep it on so that I can bring our bowl back to the kitchen." Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that. "But for now, I would really appreciate it if I could get in bed with you; that way, we can sit together as we eat this pasta before it gets cold." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smirking at the man she loves like crazy.

"More like, so you can run your hands all over my lingerie." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, as he most definitely loves the idea of him running his hands all over her body; because it's something that he always loves to do whenever they're in bed, which is why he does it all the time. But that's not something that they're going to do right now, as they have something else that they need to do; rather, they need to just sit in bed and hold each other close while eating lunch together. A lunch that was getting colder by the minute. "Okay, I really need to stop stalling now; because we both need to start eating this pasta, before it gets cold." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware that was the case. "Yeah, I know what you mean. So, how about I move over...and then you can get in bed with me?" Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she offered to move over in bed, as that was exactly what he wanted her to do right now; which she promptly did shortly after offering to do, which made sure that they were going to be able to get nice and comfortable with each other (while they ate lunch together). After which, Matt smiled as he set the food down this afternoon.

He then smirked as he looked at his beautiful wife, and leaned over her so that he can give her something that he already knows she wants from him. Smirking at her husband as he did that, Gabby looked up at the man she loves; staring into his eyes, Gabby smiled as she leaned up and proceeded to kiss him softly. After which, she started to take things nice and slow with the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "God, I love you so much." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I most definitely know that baby." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before moving to join her in bed; after which, he wrapped his arm around her and closed the covers. And as expected, that prompted Gabby to cuddle up to him (just like she always does whenever they get in bed with each other); and it also led Matt to ask her something. Turning his head, Matt smiled at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world (while also leaving a kiss on her forehead softly). "So, do you think that I'm going to be feeding you as we have lunch in bed?" Smirking as Matt asked her that, she looked up at the man she loves like crazy.

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