Romantic Getaway - Day 2, Pt. 9: Ocean Fun Time

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Hi Readers: Hope that you guys are having a good day, and are ready for some more romance between Matt and Gabby; and even better, I am writing more chapters than I normally do. Hope you guys are ready for a couple more, and are going to enjoy this romantic time with each other; thanks again for reading, and can't wait to see that you guys think. Here we go with Chapter Thirty-Three.

The anchor was dropped, the swim platform was lowered, and that meant that it was now time; time to get into the ocean together so that they can take a nice swim with each other this afternoon and share a bunch of kisses with each other. But that was something that Gabby already knew, she knew that she was going to be sharing a bunch of kisses with her husband; and she was ready to do just that. I mean, what woman doesn't want to share a bunch of nice kisses with her husband as they take a swim in the ocean on their romantic getaway; a getaway that her husband has done a magnificent job planning, which she most definitely plans on telling him right now. She wants him to know that she loves him, and everything that he's planned so far; because it truly was perfect, and there's nothing more that she was to do other than spend this time with him. Going to set both of their towels down on the table that they have on the swim platform, Matt smiled as he turned around to look at his girl; after which, he got close to her and wrapped his arms around her. Smiling as he did that, Gabby put her hands on his arms and just looked up at the man of her dreams, her loving husband.

Leaning up, Gabby smirked as she went ahead and kissed Matt softly; and let's just say that Matt was really happy that they were sharing this kiss, as it was exactly what he wanted from his wife. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, before smiling as she looked up into his eyes; after which, she got close to him and proceeded to hug him. Wrapping his arms around Gabby too, Matt smiled as they both held each other close this afternoon. "I love you too Matt, and I always will." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before bending down and kissing her shoulder softly, which is something that he's just doing constantly now a days, not that Gabby will ever complain about the fact that her man wants to give her a bunch of kisses. The way he kisses her shoulder is perfect, and it's all Gabby wants to feel whenever they're close to each other. But this is not one of those times. Rather, Gabby wants to feel him kiss her lips while they're in the ocean with each other. Pulling back, Gabby moved to wrap her arms around his neck before kissing him softly. At the same time, Matt wrapped his arms around her and just took things nice and slow with her.

"God, you're going to tease me so much; that I'm just going to end up picking you up, taking you back to bed and making love to you." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that, before stepping closer to him and running her hands down his biceps; at the same time, Matt wrapped his arms around her more and just put his hands on her butt. "Well, that sounds nice; but right now, I want to just take a nice swim with you. I want to have fun in the ocean, and I want to just have fun; it's time to do that okay baby?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling as he stole one last kiss from her; after which, he pulled away and extended his hand to let Gabby grab it. Doing just that, Gabby smiled as she intertwined their fingers before following Matt into the ocean. But what he didn't know is that Gabby had no intention of just letting her husband walk into the ocean, but that she was instead going to do something that would make her laugh. Walking with Matt just enough to get them close to the end of the swim platform, Gabby then went ahead and pushed her husband into the ocean; which is something that definitely surprised Matt, as he was not expecting it whatsoever.

Falling into the ocean after Gabby pushed him, Matt was shocked and confused as it came to where he was; he was even struggling to comprehend just what he had to do. All he knew, was that he needed to get above the water. Swimming up with his arms, Matt just came up to get some breaths; breaths that were really needed as he was confused. Laughing as he came up, Gabby just looked at her husband and smiled due to the fact that this was funny. Shaking her head, Gabby smiled. "God, the look on your face!" Matt then went to get close to the boat again to get his payback, which he most certainly had every right to do after what Gabby did; going to grab his wife's ankle, Matt proceeded to tug her into the ocean just like she did to him. And let's just say that (just like him), Gabby was surprised when she fell into the ocean with her husband. Getting in the water, Gabby took a breath before coming up out of the ocean and just looking at him. After which, she went to splash him. "Hey, don't give what you can't take." Gabby shook her head and just smiled at the man of her dreams, after which she swam over to him so that she could get close to her dreamy husband in the ocean.

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