Checking in with the New Parents (All of Them), Part One

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you enjoyed yesterday's chapters and are glad that Matt and Gabby are no longer the only parents in this story; but I also know that we need to keep this story going, and we're going to do that by checking in with the newest parents in our story...and that would be Jay and Alex. So, here we go with doing just that.

But first: I want to just write a quick note about reality. In this story, I am portraying life in the NICU how I would love to have it; and that would be that parents get to stay at the hospital every night, with their babies (as long as they're there). But I know full well that isn't the reality everywhere, and I know this isn't always the case for everybody. But in my story, it is. Thanks again for reading.

He finally got Alex to fall asleep as they relaxed in their bed, and that was definitely something that she needed right now. As their kids were born premature, Alex just hasn't been able to sleep the best; heck, he hasn't been able to sleep the best. But now, they were both just holding each other close; and that was what let Alex sleep. Sure, they had to be careful when it came to how much they moved in bed; Alex did still have stitches in her after all. But at the end of the day, that didn't matter to Jay. But what did matter to him, was that his family is okay; and they most definitely are going to be okay, just as soon as they get out of the hospital together. But right now, Jay was fine with just holding Alex in his arms as they cuddled up to each other (and she got some rest). But right now, Jay wasn't just holding Alex in his arms; rather, he was also listening to music through his AirPods. At least, he was until his music was interrupted by someone calling him. "Matt Casey" Hearing that Matt was calling him; Jay turned his head to look at Alex.

He then sighed, because he didn't want to wake her up; then again, he also did want to speak to somebody while he was just sitting here. So, he decided to answer the call on his AirPods. "Hey, just give me a second okay? I need to try and sneak out of bed." Hearing the new father say that, the CEO (and his wife) both seemed to be confused. "And what do you mean by that exactly Jay?" Sighing as he heard Matt ask him that, Jay then proceeded to take a breath. "Just give me a minute please?" Hearing that the new father was a bit desperate to wait to speak to the both of them, the CEO and Deputy CEO both agreed to just wait to speak to him; that way, he would be able to sneak out of bed and not wake Alex up. However, that plan soon failed as that was exactly what happened the moment he moved. "Jay? Where are you going?" Turning his head as he heard Alex, Jay took a breath. "Sorry, I thought you were still asleep." Alex sighed. "I was, until you moved." That's when Jay proceeded to speak to their friends through his AirPods.

"Listen, just give me a second; I'll get Alex on the call with us, she just woke up." Alex was confused as she heard Jay say that, before turning her head to look up at her husband (and the love of her life). "Who's calling us?" Grabbing one of his AirPods from his ear, Jay smiled as he proceeded to give one of them to his beautiful wife (and mother of his children). "Here, how about you put this in your ear? Then you can find out for yourself." Alex sighed as she heard Jay tell her that, as she really hopes that it's not someone specific; and that was something that she made clear as she put the AirPod in her ear. "God, please let it not be Hank." Hearing Alex Say that, Matt then proceeded to speak to her. "I swear, if you ever think that I'm your father ever again; then you're going to loose half of your next paycheck." Gabby just laughed as she heard her husband say that. "Yeah, well that isn't happening; last time I checked, they do have two beautiful new children in the hospital. And that means that they don't have any other income other than their salaries."

Realizing that it was actually Matt and Gabby, Alex smiled as she was happy to hear their voices; especially since they've gone through this before, and they probably know what they're going through right now. "Sorry about that guys, I just woke up from a nap." Gabby felt bad then she heard Alex say that, as she knows how hard it is to sleep in the NICU; especially when your babies look so hopeless, just laying there in their incubators. "Hey, don't even think about apologizing about that Alex; I think I can speak for both me and Matt when I say that, you need to get whatever sleep you can get when you're in the NICU. You need to take it easy, and you need to relax. You need to make sure that you just concentrate on your health, especially your mental health." Matt then proceeded to add on. "In fact, Jay; I want you to call me when you're alone at some point so that we can talk, and I can give you some pointers that I wish I knew before I had to stay in the NICU for a while with the boys." Jay smiled when he heard Matt say that, as he appreciates the offer.

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