What Does This Mean for Us?

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Hi Readers: What do you guys think of the new contract that I just gave to Casey? I hope that you guys like it and are ready for a wild ride that comes with it. Yes, you heard that right; a wild ride that comes with them getting this contract. But, what exactly do I mean by that? Well, you'll just have to read to find out, now won't you? Here's Chapter Sixty-Three.

After getting the news of their new contract, all of the friends decided to go back home so that they can celebrate; celebrate the news that they all received recently that was, in fact, great news. They are still just starting their company, yet they just got a really big contract with a major fire department; and that was something that Matt really liked. However, there was something that Matt didn't like about getting this new contract; and it was the reaction that his wife had to it. While yes, Gabby was more than thrilled for her husband that he got the contract. But that didn't mean that Gabby was all that okay with the fact that they now had this contract, as it also gave her pause; it made her worry about something, which also made her want to sit down in bed as she thought about the news that Matt just shared with them at the beach. But more specifically, about what it would mean for her and Matt; yes, you heard that right. What it would mean for her and Matt. And that was exactly what she was in the midst of thinking about right now, how this contract would affect her marriage. Why she's thinking this way? Gabby had no clue. But it was how she was thinking right now, and she had no way to stop it; other than by talking about it, of course. But she had to talk about it with her husband, and only him.

Luckily, Matt just came out of the closet after getting dressed, and that meant that she had the opportunity to talk to him; an opportunity that Matt was going to give to her, as he was concerned. After all the talking that they did prior to going to the beach, about her having thought that she was pregnant (and how thrilled she was about it); he couldn't help but wonder if it was related to that thought that she had, the thought that she was pregnant. And while they both knew that Gabby wasn't pregnant, Matt could tell based on her reaction that she wasn't really that relieved; rather, she seemed to have been a bit more disappointed over the fact that she wasn't pregnant. Thinking that was what Gabby was thinking about, Matt decided to speak to her about it while grabbing his watch from his dresser and putting it on. But how do you start a conversation like the one Matt wants to have with Gabby as they sit in bed together this afternoon, a conversation he (thinks) she wants to have with him right now? Well, maybe we can start it off with a bit of humor. "You know, not being pregnant right now isn't all that bad; it just means that we get to try again, and again..." Looking up at Matt when he said that, Gabby was confused; and that gave Matt pause, as he really feels like he screwed up now with the topic.

"Oh, I guess I misread the situation." Gabby sighed as she heard Matt say that, before nodding; that's when Gabby decided to turn the conversation to a topic that would make things, a bit more comfortable (maybe). "Uhm, I just checked on the boys; and my mom said that they would be asleep for a bit longer." Matt agreed with his wife as she told him that, glad that was the case; especially when he can clearly see that she needs to talk to him right now, and that is exactly what they're going to do right now. They're going to talk to each other as they relax in bed, and just breathe; it's what Gabby does for him when he's having PTSD, or just having other problems. So, it's what he plans on doing for his wife; after all, it's what husband and wives do for each other. They support each other, and they help them get through whatever problems are currently on their minds; no matter the problem, they always help each other out, and support each other to the best of their abilities. And ever since Matt and Gabby got back together last September, that's exactly what Matt has done (with ease); after all, Gabby is the love of his life, and the mother of his children. And he wants her to be his wife for the rest of his life, which is exactly what she's going to be if he has it his way; and that's why he decided to go close the door to their room.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now