Welcome to California

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of this most recent turn in the story? Do you think that it's a good idea, and a good storyline to follow? Let me know what you guys think. Now, I am going to go ahead and start writing this storyline for you guys. Enjoy readers.

"We can't keep them further away than they are right now, because they're on public property." -Mike Davidson, Head of Security

72 Hours Later – June 6, 2019
Those were the words that did it, that made the father realize what he had to do; he thought that his family would be safe in Hawaii, and that it would be good for them. That it would be the perfect place for them to raise their family, but it turned out that ended up not being the case; it ended up not being the place that they were meant to raise their kids (in their opinion), and that just broke the husband's heart. So much so, that he just couldn't stand to look at either his wife, nor could he stand to look at his sons right now; heck, he could barely be in the same room as her right now. So that was why he wasn't in their room right now, rather he was in the living room; that way, he was away from his wife and sons (and therefore didn't need to look at them right now). So here he was, trying to sleep on the couch in their new home that he (secretly) bought for his family; so that they could have a second home in California, and he did it right when he got the money that he inherited. That way, it was ready in case they ever had to come here.

The truth is, Matt has never liked staying in hotels; and that was the real reason behind him wanting to buy this home, so that he didn't have to stay in a hotel. However, that didn't mean that Gabby was all that happy about it; rather, she was a bit annoyed over the fact. But once Matt explained the reason behind buying the house without telling her (the fact that he doesn't want to stay in a hotel), she understood; but that was not the only thing that made her understand, as she also understood after she saw the house. And that was one of the real reasons that Matt bought the house, because he felt he couldn't NOT buy the house after he saw it. It was just so beautiful, and it was perfect for his family; so much so, that he could see them raising their kids here whenever they're in Los Angeles. And that was definitely something that Gabby could see too, the minute she walked into the home for the first time; and that really made Matt happy, that she both understood and felt the same way about the home (and what the future holds for them here).

But there was also something that didn't make Matt happy, and that was that he's since started to have more PTSD ever since he moved here; PTSD that almost always turned into nightmares. His latest nightmare? That the press would come all the way upstairs, into their home, and either hurt (or kill) their sons; it was just the worst feeling in the entire world, and that was why he couldn't be in bed with Gabby (or near the boys) right now. In fact, he was still having the nightmare right now; the nightmare that he thought was going to stop, but it hasn't. It's still happening, and it just made Matt wake up screaming. Sitting up, Matt got scared and put his hand on his chest; the father being extremely scared as he yelled his son's name. "MATTEO!" And that was all it took to wake people up, to wake up his concerned family; especially his wife. Rushing out of their room the moment she heard her husband yell out their son's name, Gabby Casey was just worried as she looked at her husband. Watching him heave, Gabby just felt her heart break.

Her heart was breaking over the fact that he was even experiencing this right now, especially as she watched him put his hand on his chest; he put his hand on his chest as he breathed due to the fact that he was so scared right now. But he was not the only one that was scared right now, as there was another woman in the house that was scared right now; and that would be Camila Dawson, the man's mother-in-law. Walking out, Camila looked at her daughter so that she could comprehend just what was going on right now. "Hey, what's going on?" Hearing her mother behind her, Gabby took a breath as she turned around and look at her. "Mom, can you do me a favor and check on the boys? They're in the nursery, can you also maybe..." Camila just understood right away what her daughter needed her to do, and that was take care of her grandsons; and not just for now, but for a while. Right now, she needed to take care of them so that Gabby could concentrate on Matt; after all, he is her husband, and he's not doing the best right now.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1Where stories live. Discover now