Hey, You're Okay - Part One

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Hello Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Unfortunately, I am sad to tell you that this chapter will not be a Halstead chapters; as I have run out of ideas for what I can cover with them when it comes to what I already wrote at the hospital, but I do hope to get back to them in a few chapters. But for now, I do have a few chapters that are related to Matt and Gabby; chapters that I already have all planned out, and that I'm ready to write for you guys today. I hope that you guys enjoy them, as there are at least four. Thanks again for reading, and I would love to get some feedback when it comes to the chapters that you might like to see. But for now, here's Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven; my first of many for today. Hope you guys enjoy it, and thanks again for reading.

Question to Readers with PTSD Service Dogs: If somebody reads this and has a service dog for PTSD; I would really like to hear back as to whether this is a realistic portrayal of how a service dog can stop a PTSD event. Thank you so much for doing so if you do.

At some point before he and Gabby fell asleep this afternoon, Gabby told him to have "sweet dreams". But unfortunately, that most definitely was not what Matt was in the midst of having today; rather, he was in the midst of having a nightmare right now. More specifically, he was in the midst of having some PTSD. In fact, he was still in the midst of having PTSD; and that was the reason why Gabby just woke up, because she could feel her husband literally shaking underneath her. And that was really concerning, as she just knew what it meant; it meant that he was having some PTSD. Or, at least; that was the only thing that she could even think he was having right now. If this wasn't PTSD, then she doesn't know what it was; but still, it didn't matter what this is. All she knew, was that she had to wake him up; and that was exactly what Gabby was trying to do right now, wake Matt up. But luckily, she wasn't doing it alone; rather, he had some good help from Andy (as this was his job). His job is to wake Matt up when he's having PTSD, like he is now.

But with how Gabby was currently sitting next to Matt right now, he didn't have the ability to do what he was trained to do; and that was lick his face, as that was how he would wake him up to the best of his ability. And Gabby was going to let him do that at some point, because she was having trouble right now; she had trouble waking him up, and that meant that he was going to continue having this dream until she woke him up. "Hey, Matt. Baby, wake up for me." But still, Matt was tossing and turning; and what she was doing wasn't working. "Please, you have to do whatever you can. You need to save her, and the boys..." Taking a breath, Gabby thought about what she could do; that was, until she felt Andy get close to her. And it seemed that he was starting to get impatient with her, because it was time for her to get out of the way; that way, he could do his job. Barking at the pregnant wife (and mother), Andy finally did what he should've done in the first place; and that was basically force Gabby to get out of the way and let him do his job.

Barking again, Andy looked at the pregnant wife to give her the following message: "Get out of my way woman and let me do my job." Gabby then agreed with Andy, well aware that was exactly what he needed to do; after which, she moved over to her side of the bed. Afterwards, Andy went to get on Matt's chest and proceeded to stand on his chest for a moment; then, he laid down on his chest and started to lick his face so that he can get him to wake up. And let's just say that was exactly what Matt started to do. Taking a breath as he woke up, Matt just looked around as he was confused; looking forwards afterwards, Matt looked at Andy as he put his hands on his head. "Hey boy." Andy then went to lick his face again, while looking at the former firefighter; after which, he barked to make sure that he was awake. "Okay, I'm awake. I promise." Looking at her husband as he said that, Gabby took a breath and just looked at him. "Are you sure that you're okay baby?" Turning to look at Gabby, Matt then realized something; and that was that Gabby was worried.

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