Chapter 129-Jai

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We separate after brekky and head off to fish the river. Bran is grumbling a little saying he's hungover.
"Then you shouldn't have drunk so much," Johnno teases.
I chuckle at that. I'm also not leaving him alone with Meg or even any of the ladies after the stunt he pulled last time he did this.  I drive us all to the meeting place at the park grateful that I've got everyone else backing me up on his whinging. There's a boat ramp that Nick says he usually uses around here. I pull into the car park and we walk down the stairs to the ramp but stay out of the way.  Nick rounds the corner hill slowly descending with his truck and boat on the hitch.  My dad rode with him.  When he's at the lowest point, he backs his boat up to the dock rather swiftly. He must do this frequently to be able to maneuver so well. He climbs aboard the boat and we step away from the stairs offering a hand. Nick passes me the rope to tie off. I do so quickly and securely. That'd spoil the day if I let his boat get taken downstream by the current which is rather fast. I don't think I'd ever been this close to the river before recently when it was this high and observed the speed at which it moves but is is higher than the other day. After it's tied down, Nick climbs out and gets back into his truck. He parks it out of the way with the trailer. I guide the boat with the slack of rope to the area I tied it down at so we can start loading up a little of the gear my dad and everyone else set down. I see a few eskies and poles.
"Didn't know if everyone was coming," my dad mumbles.
I nod and climb in. He passes me the poles and Damo kindly hands me an esky. We load them up one at a time. Nick comes back down the track as everyone else climbs in.  He's grinning though.  He unties the rope but holds it firmly to himself. 
"Looks like you got everything handled," he says to us as I reach for his hand. 
"Yup," I reply assisting him in. 
He gets situated and tells us we're heading off further down river—the direction I think we fished in waders before, I think. He drives in his boat—which I believe could be classified as a speedboat, not really a fishing boat.
Ollie asks Nick if he's into water sports.
"Sure," Nick grins. "On occasion if I talk her into it, I can get Meg up on waterskis."
"Really?" I laugh in surprise.
"She's pretty good," Nick nods. "All those years of gymnastics and ballet paid off. She's quite agile and good with balance."
"Here that?" Damo nudges me.
I mess his hair up knowing what the pervert is implying. I didn't know she was in gymnastics, though. I voice my thoughts.
"She could have tried out for the olympics as a child but she preferred ballet... and only then for fun. She's never been the competitive type. She'd always rather teach than compete," Nick says.
"What do you mean about the olympics?" I ask surprised.
"Her coach said she was the best he'd personally seen. He encouraged us to have her try out when she was in late elementary or junior high, I think. She said she preferred ballet. She eventually outgrew the sport, though—too tall," Nick explains. "Her coach stopped asking when she reached 5'6"."
I nod but I'm surprised. I didn't know any of this.
I enjoy chatting with everyone and the scenery which is nice. The forests are really filling in with greenery. I thought this area was dry and dead but I was way off—just visiting in the off season, I guess.
We fish and talk enjoying each other's company and the sport. My mind continually drifts off to thinking about what she's doing right now and how I miss her.  We catch a few fish and move on further upstream, and repeat. We do have some unusual catches—for me at least. Everything is on par with what I'd seen at the local shop and zoo. Only Nick can identify them all. Dad had some good guesses, though. My dad does hook some rare kind of freshwater eel but we have to toss it back since it's supposedly endangered. I find out Nick and my dad caught several yabbies—or crayfish as they call them here—on the lake the other day but didn't share them with everyone. I chuckle at that.
We head in and prep the fish for dinner at Meg's parents' home, then refrigerate them for tonight. We return back to my house and get cleaned up a bit before going out to lunch at Nick's country club. My dad, of course, orders some snags and peppers. I get some incredible bison meatballs with marinara. We enjoy our meal—most of the blokes getting junk food. I'm almost tempted to tease Damo and Bran about it since they were giving Americans, or rather Megan, trouble for eating junk food here... but I don't.
We finish up with lunch and play a round of golf. I'm shocked when I'm doing pretty well with my long distance swing. I guess all that practice on Sunday accounted for something. I could use a little more work on my short game. In the waiting between each putt, my thoughts drift off to Meg again.  I sigh shakily daydreaming about her.  On the last hole, I get a call. I see who it is and grin. I've honestly had her running through my mind all day. I answer.
"I've missed you, love," I tell her softly. 
She laughs lightly, "I missed you, too."
"What's going on?" I question.
"Well, the truth is it's packed outside. The police put a barricade up near the entrance of the stadium. There are lines everywhere," she tells me hesitantly.
"You're kidding!" I say in shock. 
"No... I'm actually serious.  I couldn't believe it myself," she says. 
"That's epic!" I respond dumbfounded.  It's already happening.  I wasn't expecting it this fast for her. 
"Yeah, it is," she says softly.  She goes on about how we ought to get down there early to avoid more congestion on the streets and car parks.  She pauses and Simon says to come to a nearby restaurant that's attached to the ballpark for entry.  They'll let us in early.  I grin at that—our connections.  She says she's about to the stage and she has to practice.  I get it. 
"I'll tell everyone here and we'll call your mum," I explain so she won't worry. 
"Thanks.  See you later," she replies and I can hear the relief in her voice. 
"Catch ya," I respond before hanging up. 
I sigh and relay the details.  Nick looks stunned. 
"Well... she didn't want the fame of competition but it found her somehow," I say slapping him on the back. 
"I guess God has His plans," he smiles disbelievingly. 
"I guess so," I agree. 
We finish up the final hole—Nick blowing us all away but not bad considering we're not really golfers.  As we leave, a caddy asks for my autograph.  I chuckle and sign his card.  He thanks me and shakes my hand. 
"Pretty soon, that'll be Megan, too," Damo comments. 
Nick chuckles in incredulity... but little does he know, it's already happened. We drive back home and get cleaned up again. I shower quickly because I've been sweating in the heat all day. I put on a fresh set of duds and toss a load of laundry into the washer before we head out. I figure I'll switch it when we get back. I drive off to a car park Nick recommended and the walk isn't too bad—just a couple blocks. I do wear my sunnies, though, and they are defo needed. The queue for admission is wrapped around the entire block of the street at the ballpark and then some. My mates accompany me to the restaurant around the corner from the entrance. We step inside and it's fairly busy. The tables are packed and the waiting room is standing room only. I approach the bar with my mates in tow. The bartender approaches me and asks what I'd like since there are a couple open seats available and we're out of earshot of the crowd.
"My fiancée is performing at the concert," I tell him. "Her manager from Capitol Records said we could get into the stadium through here."
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise and he takes me in. He laughs in disbelief.
"Sure," he nods. "I'll let you in."
He leads us around the bar and back toward the kitchen. There's a hallway just beside the kitchen entrance. It looks like it's for deliveries but there's another door at the end of the hallway. He opens it and wishes us luck. I thank him and shake his hand explaining that her parents may be coming through. He nods saying he's familiar, that many box owners know they're welcome to come here. I grin and thank him again.
I step through the doorway and follow my mates down another hallway. We pass up a shop—one selling baseball merch.  I hadn't realized these were all interconnected.  I'm sure going into any one of these would lead us here.  The VIPs know this.  We walk through the labyrinth of hallways and exit at a door.  I see a stairwell and the area on the opposite side of the ballpark from Nick's box.  I grin and we take the staircase up so the crowd on the street won't whinge since from here it looks like the gate is still closed off.  I take the steps two at a time.  I get to the top of the level and see guards already posted at the box entrances.  I honestly wonder if the bogan is here.  He's had to have heard by now or if he works down here he's probably seen the crowds.  I really hope he doesn't cause a scene. 
We walk around the seated area up here and I can't help but look at their private space seeing it's empty.  I'm glad.  We cross the area and the guard on our side lets us in.  We arrive at the box to see the ladies already here along with my dad and Nick.  I grin and hug my mum, then Em.  Hannah joins us and hugs me as well.  They start to make small talk but I'm dying to see her. 
"Oh, if you're interested.  Simon said you're welcome to visit upstairs," Hannah tells me.  "He's up in the control room."
I nod in understanding.  I figure if she knew where Meg was she'd have told me... so I decide to ask the one who'd know.  I excuse myself.  I see Ollie busy with Em, Johnno kissing Dar, and Damo and Bran are entertaining themselves with the fizzy drinks and snacks.  I chuckle and look for the staircase up.  I thought I'd seen it once before.  I find it and climb one level up.  It's bustling with activity.  I see Simon speaking with a few technicians.  Once they're off working on something, I approach him. 
"Hey, how are you?" I ask him. 
He chuckles lightly shaking my hand.  "Good," he smiles.  "Busy but good."
"I bet.  I can't believe these crowds," I mention. 
"Yeah," he nods.  "I know it's a free event but still.  My hotel is booked.  I couldn't find another room for Rob and Zane so I let them crash with me on the couch."
"Oh?" I ask surprised.  I hadn't realized the band came.  I mention it. 
"It's just the two of them.  The rest hadn't pressed the thought of coming," he shrugs. 
"Where are they now?" I question looking around. 
"Down with Megan," he grins. 
I raise my eyebrows completely intrigued. 
He chuckles lightly.  "She's downstairs.  She's getting ready in the home team's locker room."
"Can I see her?" I inquire. 
"Of course," he grins. 
He explains how to get down there and I thank him.  I step out of the box area and take the far stairs down.  I see the gates are open and people are just pouring into the stadium now.  Some are going straight for seats while others are looking around at the open vendors.  I see them selling tucker and merchandise oddly.  I bet that's offsetting the event being free so I get it.  I come to the doorway Simon mentioned and there is a guard posted.  He recognizes me though, shakes my hand, and lets me through.  I honestly have no doubt whatsoever that they'll keep her safe.  Her security is better than I'd expected.  I walk down the hallway and there's a ramp here taking me to what feels like it's below ground.  I come to what defo appears to be a locker room.  There are jerseys hanging in the wide lockers and whatnot.  I see several people standing around.  It looks like there's snacks and drinks provided.  I see an area set up for makeup and hair.  It looks like the latter is getting done for her.  I grin and don't disturb them.  I do see Zane and Rob chatting with the band performing today.  I grin and join them.  I hug each of them thanking them for coming.  I chat with them and the band a bit.  I glance back over to Meg to see the stylist is finished.  I grin and excuse myself.  I approach her and wrap my arms around her.  I sigh in contentment.  God, I've missed her. 
"I've missed you," she whispers breathlessly.
"I've missed you, too, love," I reply just as softly. I kiss her head and hold her tightly. "How are you feeling?"
"Better now that you're here," she divulges.
I grin in reply. I feel the same. It's like a piece of me is missing when she's gone.
We stay together for the remainder of the wait. We talk with the city band and her band while she sips a cup of tea.  The pastors hosting the event join us and speak with them a bit. They're asking if Meg will remain onstage and play softly during the prayers. She nods her assent. Then they pray over the event. I bow my head and hold Megan's hand. We join with them as they ask for this to impact the lives of those around us.  During their prayer, I have this sort of premonition—that something significant is going to happen from this. They conclude and the band gets ready to exit.  I kiss Meg softly in goodbye. 
I climb back up to the box joined by Zane and Rob.  We separate after—me to my box and them to the control room.  I step into the box and make my way to the front.  I'm taken aback at how it's chockers—even more so than the game.  It looks as if every seat is taken and there are crowds packed out on the field all the way up to the stage.  I observe as the pastors mount the stage along with the band.  I can hear the crowd screaming for Megan from here.  I sigh as I watch her take the mic.  I feel like this is what she was meant to do.

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