Chapter 31-Jai

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We drive out in the bush to Artie's house.  Meg wasn't kidding, it really is a farmhouse.  It's nice though—modern.  The home is white with an open veranda in the front.  The garden is beautiful with groomed trees and shrubberies.  They have a fence for goats, so no grass cutting.  They've got living lawnmowers instead. 
I park in the drive and we walk up to the door.  One of the goats approaches us and Megan pets her. 
"They're very friendly," I point out. 
"They take care of their animals.  They may use them for milk but they have a happy life," she replies. 
She knocks on the door and enters. 
"Auntie Meg, Auntie Meg!" Tabby shouts.  She runs up to Megan and she picks her up. 
"Look at those teeth.  They're all gone," Megan comments. 
"Yeah," Tabby smiles. 
I see how she lost her two front teeth and a few others.
"You brought Uncle Jai?" she says happily. 
She squirms out of Megan's hold and comes rushing to me.  I pick her up and she hugs me and kisses my cheek.  She notices my beard is gone and I see recognition on her face.
"It's alright, love," I tell her.  "It was just a film, like pretend."
She looks to Megan. 
"Jai works in movies.  He's an actor.  That wasn't real, just a movie.  Like when you play games.  That was a game for him.  He's not like that.  You know him," she says soothingly. 
"You don't hurt people?" she asks. 
"Never," I tell her. 
"I believe you," she nods.  She hugs me again and feels my bare face.  "I miss your beard," she says.  "But you look more like Daddy's age now, not Santa Clause."
I laugh at that. 
"Auntie Megan said you didn't know Jesus so I prayed for you," she tells me. 
"Thank you, love," I say hugging her.  "Now I do."
"You do?" she asks excitedly. 
"I do," I nod smiling. 
She's beaming as well. 
I feel a tug on my daks and look down to see little Jojo.  She wants me to pick her up. 
"Can I trade?" I ask Tabby. 
"Oh, alright.  But I want to show you around," she says. 
"How about I carry Jojo and you can do that?" I suggest. 
"Okay," she smiles.  I set her down and exchange her for his sister.  She hugs me, too, but not so much drama.  Jojo is quiet. 
Artie and Yvette greet us.  They both hug Meg then me, welcoming us to their home.  Yvette excuses herself to get back to dinner while Art and Tabby show the house.  It's nice and open, very bright and clean.  It's modern, yet cozy and comfortable.  It reminds me of something Hannah would do but a different color scheme.  We step outside to their garden and it really is a small farm with rows of fields.  It's minuscule compared to what we passed on the way in and the space is fallow at the moment from the weather but it's actually a farm.  I see the chookshed in the back.  I turn around and notice that against the house is manicured like the front. 
"All of their plants are edible or serve a purpose," Meg tells me.  "Those are blueberry and raspberry bushes—local varieties that grow well here.  They have asparagus planted around, too."
"That's crazy," I laugh.  "So, they just step outside for some tucker?"
"They could when it's in season," she nods. 
"Come see my chickens, Uncle Jai," Tabby says tugging on my hand. 
I hold firmly to Jojo as we walk to the back. 
"I will warn you," Megan says trying not to smile.  "They have food and silly names because Artie and Tabby named them all."
"Food names?" I question. 
"Their rooster is called Chicken McNoggin," she says and I explode in a fit a giggles. 
"Are you talking about my rooster?" Artie asks grinning. 
Jojo squirms a little wanting down.  I set her down gently and she runs off with her sister.  The two of them wait outside the fence. 
"It looks like my rooster has his favorite making babies," Artie laughs.  "It is Spring, so..."
I step over there and they are, in fact, mating.  I'm surprised he has the kids out here for this but they're done in a moment. 
"Can we feed them?" Tabby asks. 
"Sure," Arthur says giving the girls what look like dried worms. 
He lets them inside and closes the gate. 
"Do you want in?" he asks us.
Megan looks to me.  "It's up to you," she says. 
"Alright," I shrug when I see the girls petting them.  They're quite docile.  We climb inside and Tabby puts one of those worms in my hand.  I awkwardly thank her for that.  But I bend down and feed a chook. 
"That one's Biscuit," Tabby tells me. 
"What are their other names?" I ask. 
"Gravy, Nugget, Cookie, Chunks, Brownie, Vanilla, Chocolate, Drumstick, and Sandwich," she tells me.  There are heaps more but she doesn't name those off since they're not close. 
I laugh and look to her dad. 
"I bet you can guess which ones I named," he grins. 
"All the desserts are you daughter's," I assume.
"You got it," he laughs.  "Ice cream is in the hen house," he motions to the chookshed. 
"She's our broody," Tabby tells me taking me by the hand inside. 
We all walk in and I do see one sitting on the nest. 
"When she's asleep at night, we tuck more eggs under her," Tabby whispers.  "She's going to be a mama."
I look to Megan.  That's pretty sweet. 
"Meanwhile, the daddy is making his rounds," Artie laughs as we step out of the shed.
"He has a whole harem, I see," I chuckle. 
"They're flock animals.  I might get ducks someday.  Sometimes they mate for life," he shrugs.  "Doves pair up, though."
We walk out of the fence and he closes it.
"Did you know that chickens are different than people?" Tabby tells me. 
"I figured," I nod. 
"She means mating," Megan whispers to me as they walk inside. 
I laugh awkwardly.  "What do you mean, love?" I ask. 
"Roosters don't have a penis," she says blushing. 
I chuckle.  "Then why do they call them cocks?" I ask. 
"I have no idea," she grins walking into the house. 
We wash our hands at the kitchen sink.  Yvette takes the girls upstairs to wash up while Artie stirs something on the stove.
"What are you making?" Megan asks.
"Kraft dinner for the girls," he grins.  She laughs.  "I would normally make them eat what we do like we did for Tabby, but the whole you eat it or you go hungry routine doesn't work for Jojo.  She just won't eat and it's a problem.  I don't want to starve her so we caved.  Then Tabby whines that Jojo gets special treatment," he shrugs.  "So... the girls are having chicken nuggies and Kraft dinner.  Meanwhile, we're having fried chicken and goat cheese pasta."
"What's Kraft dinner?" I ask. 
"You don't speak Canadian?" Artie smiles.  "We've got to sing the song," he nudges Megan. 
She shakes her head and turns to me.  "It's what Canadians call Kraft brand boxed macaroni and cheese," she explains finding the box and showing me.
"It does say Kraft dinner," I nod. 
Artie starts playing an upbeat song.  I sit down and watch as she protests. 

Barenaked Ladies—'If I had A Million Dollars'

"You're the only long term Christian I know that still listens to secular music," she laughs.
"Come on.  Jai'll love it," he insists. 
"Fine," she gives in. 
The two of them start kind of swing dancing and singing in the kitchen.  She's fabulous and he's really good, too.  I'm laughing hysterically at the lyrics to this song.
I'm smiling as my girl dances with her big brother to this silly song.  They look really close—or at least they used to be.  The green dress thing has me cracking up.  I'm not sure about everything in the song... but the Picasso and Garfunkel bit has me in a fit of giggles.  They finish and they're laughing.  I'm grinning at them, too. 
"So..." Artie smiles.  "What'd you think?"
"Two questions," I smile.  They both nod.  "What's a chesterfield?"
They both laugh. 
"It's Canadian for couch," Meg says. 
I nod, "I didn't know that."
"What else?" Art asks still grinning. 
"Elephant bones?" I inquire. 
"He doesn't know the elephant man," he says surprised nudging her with his arm. 
"Be nice about it Arthur," Megan says in a warning tone. 
He sits beside me and pulls up some images online.  It's some sort of medical condition. 
"That's messed up," I say in surprise. 
"That's why I don't really listen to secular music," Megan shrugs.  "There's too much negative stuff.  They poke fun at things like that.  It's just not my lifestyle now."
"I heard music," Tabby says coming into the kitchen.
"Watch this," Artie whispers knocking my knee.  "We were listening to the monkey song.  Haven't you always wanted a monkey?" he says to his daughter.
Her smile instantly changes.  "No," she pouts.  "I hate monkeys."
I try not to laugh at that. 
"She can't get over that.  It's the darnedest thing," he grins. 
"Oh, stop it," Yvette says in a soothing tone.  "What if I put on a clown movie?  How would you feel?" she says to him. 
"Okay, point taken," he says lifting his hands in surrender. 
Megan and I smile about their behavior.  We sit down and pray over the meal.  I see the girls with their chicken nuggets and we have fried chicken.  They have their macaroni and cheese while we have the adult version.  Everything is really good.  The salad is fantastic.  I've never had anything so fresh.  I compliment them on their food.  Arthur points to the shelf by the windows.  I see greens growing over there. 
"Everything is home grown or made," Megan explains.  "The greens, the cheese, the chickens..."
"Not the noodles this time," Yvette says rubbing her belly.  "Maybe after this one comes out, I can start again.  I just haven't had the energy lately to do as much."
"Thank you for inviting us," I tell her. 
"You're welcome," she smiles.  "It's always nice to have company."
I smile back and try the chook.  It's seriously got to be the best one I've ever had. 
"Home grown, heritage breed, organic, free range, ethically treated..." Artie grins.  "You honestly can't buy them that good in the stores."
"And you work in IT," I grin. 
"Yeah, but I have time off," he shrugs.  "My work doesn't define me.  My life does."
He helps wipe up a mess Jojo makes.  She eats the salad greens and I'm glad they're better than Mikey with that.  Tabby doesn't want to eat her salad but Yvette coaxes her into it with a bikky after she finishes.  She agrees.  At least they found a way that works for them.  They are sweet girls.  It just takes effort.  I look to Megan and she smiles at me.  I smile back and hold her hand.

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