Chapter 124-Meg

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I yawn as I sip my coffee early this morning while Jai drives us to one of the local radio stations in my hometown. We're arriving before the morning show to get set up. I'm being interviewed by the DJ. I'm not sure what to expect but I've been asked to spend the four hour block of the morning program here.
He's surprisingly awake as he drives us in. I told him I could go by myself but he insisted that he wanted to join me. My mom is making breakfast for everyone now and she's going to work on putting away a few of our gifts—unless, of course, the ladies want to do something before the trip this afternoon. My dad already took out Chris, Damo, and Bran to go fishing in Michigan. 
Jai parks in the lot and we get out together.  We step into the front door and are greeted by a receptionist in the lobby.  She takes us back and I'm introduced to Rosaline.  She's very nice and bubbly—quite suited to work in entertainment for the public.  The moment she sees Jai, she blinks as if she's seeing things. 
"This is Jai, my fiancé.  We're getting married on Saturday," I explain introducing him. 
She laughs in surprise and congratulates us shaking his hand.  She offers to let him join us.  He chuckles lightly and agrees.  She walks us back to the studio and we each get a chair and a microphone.  She talks to us a bit while the receptionist brings in an array of refreshments and another worker runs a few checks on Jai's mic. She explains that we'll mostly just talk.  She'll introduce me and play some songs.  We'll discuss about the National Day of Prayer event along with my signing with Capitol Records.  She'll ask me some miscellaneous questions... we'll mostly just spend the morning together playing music and getting to know one another.  I smile and glance at Jai.  He seems content, too.  This is more laid back and casual than the experience with him on the radio.  It was like rapid fire and confrontational somewhat while this has a sensation of becoming acquainted and informative. His was a mainstream station, though.  This one is Christian. 
We test my mic and at exactly six a.m., Rosaline greets the listeners and explains that I'm in the studio as well as Jai. She says that I will be leading worship at the National Day of Prayer on Thursday and continues that we'll talk on air in just a few songs. She plays a newer popular series of two songs and mutes her mic. She goes over a few questions with me and admits she ad libs frequently.  I smile at that and tell her it's fine. 
I'm a little nervous as the last song ends but I feel Jai grasp my hand in comfort.  I grin at him in thanks.  He knows I'm not accustomed to the public speaking and appearances like he is and I appreciate the support.  I take a deep breath and release it slowly.  Then I pray quickly that God gives me strength and the words to say that'll please him.  Rosaline greets the audience once more and introduces me.  I smile and greet the crowd.  She thanks me for joining her and it's just like a casual conversation with a new person at church.  I feel at ease and content discussing the upcoming event.  I explain that there will be worship members from churches all over the area.  We discuss a bit more about the event and she pauses for a brief commercial break for those who support the radio ministry.  She plays a few more songs after that and then we come back and discuss how I've been signed with Capitol.  I explain how we ran into the Smallbones, were requested to join in at a couple concerts, and then just received the offer. 
"It sounds like God has really had His hand on your life lately," she smiles. 
"I feel so, too," I grin in reply. 
She introduces the next song and I'm surprised she's playing one of mine—one I haven't heard on the radio yet.  We return after the song and talk about it, then details about the album, my music video that's coming out soon, and how my tour is set.
"Will you be coming to town?" she asks curiously.
"I will be playing at the baseball stadium again. There will be a charge for tickets, though," I admit.
"Of course," she smiles. "I think most people don't know that tours are how musicians make their money. Most don't make much from signing contracts and records. It's the concerts that pay the bills."
"That's true," I nod in agreement but Jai looks confused. He hadn't seriously asked about my pay and in all honesty, it wasn't much—nothing like what I'd previously expected. 
We break for music again and return and talk with Jai. We discuss how we met on the mission trip and how we've grown close since. We talk about our upcoming wedding—that it'll be a destination ceremony with our closest friends and family.
"That sounds exciting," Rosaline adds.
"It is," I agree holding Jai's hand.
We spend quite a bit of the morning discussing other details—tours, my influences from God, our faith, our relationship... it's truly an incredible experience and I'd love to come back in the future. When the shift is up, we trade places with the next DJ—Brianna—shaking her hand. She takes over and we both agree to recording a few advertisements for the station and pictures of us with the staff. I thank them for having us, them mirroring the sentiment before we leave.
Jai escorts me out of the building and through the parking lot. We climb into his muscle car and I buckle up.
"That was different," he mentions.
"Yeah," I agree. It was so dissimilar from his interviews that I've been to. We even prayed in there together a few times. I sigh contently as he drives us out.

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