Drunken Trouble || Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

"I suggest you start now Ms.Valentine, unless you want to give me an empty paper once again." I rolled my eyes.

"I promise it won't be empty." Because I'm planning on putting a big fat 'Fuck you' on it.

     After that I ignored him showing Delilah the video. She started laughing so hard she couldn't stop no matter what which rubbed off on me.

"Ms.Valentine and company!" We shut up on the spot but it didn't last when we glanced at each other. We got kicked out and laughed on our way to the bleachers where we found the boys hanging. Eric wasn't here since he liked going to class but as for the others they were just as bad as me.

"If it isn't Mr.fuck everything that walks and goth boy!" I said laughing as we sat down.

"Where's the bad boy?" They rolled their eyes but smiled inevitably....well Justin smiled, Ethan just stared.

"Why are you two here?" Justin asked.

"We got kicked out of Mr.Greys class for laughing too hard." Delilah said and I nodded as we got comfortable.

We spent the whole period there but they all went to class leaving me alone to soak up the suns goodness. I spent the whole school day here just enjoying my alone time not caring for my classes.

"I heard you!" I shouted as I opened my eyes. I had heard someone step on the dried up leaves which snapped me out of my peaceful moment.

A cute boy came into sight. He had brown hair and one hell of a jawline that went with his sexy face and body. He had freckles and pretty green brown eyes.

"And you are?"

"I'm Ryan Miller." He said with a panty dropping smile.

"Why are you spying on me?"

"I wasn't." He said with a laugh as he came to sit next to me.

"I really wasn't-" he laughed.

"-I was coming to chill and found you here relaxing, didn't know if to leave or if I really wanted to hang here. There's not really a lot of spots where the guards don't go constantly you know?" I nodded slowly going back to closing my eyes.

"Don't stare it's creepy." I said as I sighed knowing his eyes were on me.

"Aren't you the girl who keeps getting into trouble?" He asked laughing slightly.

"That's me." I sat up opening my eyes and looking his way.

"Is it fun?"

"How about I show you?" He raised a brow when I smirked but didn't oppose when I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the pool building. I grabbed blue dye so it'll blend with the pool and threw it in.

"Now we wait." I said with a smirk. We hid behind the the bleachers and watched as the swim team came in for their practice. They got out of the pool about an hour later since it was the end of their practice making me cover my mouth to not laugh when I saw they all looked like fucking smurfs.

The girls started screaming about their appearance and the teacher was freaking out not knowing how to calm them down. The guards walked in and their reaction to a bunch of blue kids running around made me burst out laughing along with Ryan.

"Hey!" One of them shouted pointing our way.

"Shit run!" I said laughing and making a run for it.

I dashed through the back door and Ryan followed right next to me. Sporty much. We ran and the guards followed us shouting for us to stop. We kept laughing as we ran as fast as possible. They called for backup and we had like half of the security team running after us as we ran through the campus.

"I know a spot!" He shouted grabbing my hand and yanking me to the side of a building that was mostly covered by the following one.

When a guard came into view we covered each others mouths as to not laugh. As soon as he was out of ear shot we bursted out laughing.

"Come on trouble." He said laughing slightly as he crawled out of the hiding spot and I followed. I followed him to the garage where all the vehicles were locked up and he snuck us in.

"Joy ride?" He asked holding a helmet out for me as he hopped on. He showed me the remote to the garage that he stole from the office making me smirk.

"How can I say no?" I asked back teasingly as I took the helmet and hopped on.

"Hold on tight." I laughed and with that we set off into the sunset with a bunch of guards shouting after us to stop; not that we cared.

     I might of just found my Clyde.


Trouble is always fun.



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