The Appearance || Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"Anyways if you bitches don't mind I want to sleep." and with that I unintentionally dozed off for the rest of the night.

The following day rolled around and I grabbed my uniform that was hung in the closet putting it on after a nice shower. The skirt was originally knee length but I cut it way shorter, I'm not a grandma. The skirt was maroon along with the tie and a white short sleeve button up shirt. I wished they had given me pants. I grabbed the maroon blazer that had the school logo on one side and draped it over my forearm.

"Are you going to class like that?" My new roomie asked.

"What's wrong with it?" I eyed my uniform before looking back at Sofi who was finishing up her makeup.

"Your tops not button up all the way nor tucked in, you have the wrong shoes on, your ties just draped around your neck, your skirts way too short...need I say more?" She faced me.

"You're wearing heels and your skirts just as short, let's go I'm fucking starving." She rolled her eyes but obliged.

After breakfast we separated and I was left to find my locker and everything else on my own.

"Watch where you're going freak." Edgar said as he brushed pass me. I sighed turning on my heels to see him standing there with a smug smirk laughing with his friends like he did something.

"I should of broken your jaw when I had the chance." He turned serious and when he tried to swing I dodged it and cup checked the bastard sending him to the floor.

"Should I give you another black eye?" Before I could someone pulled me away breaking whatever was happening up.

"Don't go fighting like that, you'll get into serious trouble. Plus some people are in here for murder so you might want to stop fighting everyone."

"And who the hell are you?"

"I'm Eric."

"Well thanks Eric but I don't give a fuck." He laughed shaking his head before throwing an arm over my shoulders and starting to walk.

"Where's your locker?"

"No clue, 205?"

"No way! I'm 206, come on I'll show you."

"Well aren't you a ray of sunshine." I said smiling and rolling my eyes amused at him.

"Definitely." He showed me to my first class and said he'll come get me after. Guess I have a new friend. Walking in I glanced around and the room all eyes were on the pink haired freak—me.

"Keep staring if you want to lose a fucking eye." I said as I gave them a death glare that made them all mind their business.

"Newbie!" I looked up to see a girl with dark curly hair pulled into a ponytail calling me.

I shrugged and went to the empty seat she was pointing at that was next to her. I loved sitting in the back so why not. Plus she seemed like a bad ass bitch who didn't give a fuck so how could I refuse.

"I like your hair." She spoke once I sat.

"Thanks, love the tattoos." I said as I took in the sleeve she had.

"Right!" She said with a huge smile that rubbed off on me.

"You don't even have books?"

"I'm just here to sleep honestly." I shrugged and she laughed.

"I love you already."

"I love me too." I shrugged again and she smiled.

"I'm Delilah Johns."

"No way! I'm Lyla!" We laughed at the similarities and started talking until the bell rang.

"Apparently we're getting a new teacher, it's probably an old grumpy man with a stick up his ass." She rolled her eyes and I smiled shaking my head. She had gray eyes, and a face that could bring anyone to their knees at how gorgeous she looked making me just think everyone who went here could be a fucking model.

The headmaster walked in with one sexy looking man. He didn't look older than 28, fine piece of a man if you ask me. His back was now to me but the way his muscles looked in his white button up was temptation at its finest. He had his blazer draped over his forearm and a laptop bag—

"Ms.Valentine!" The headmaster said making all eyes turn to me along with the sexy guy. Damn he's finer from the front.

"What?" I retorted clearly annoyed that he's annoying me this early.

"Fix your uniform young lady!"

"How about you fix your dentures first and then I'll consider it?" I smiled sweetly while everyone laughed.

The new teacher didn't find it funny though, he eyed me with disgust before looking away. Ouch.

I'll say this though, I rather jail than this school though honestly.


Loving the villain era.

Finally they're going to meet!



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