Chapter 62 - How To Train A Nomu

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A loud, ear-ringing screech ripped through the air and Izuku clutched his ears as an attempt to lessen the volume and also break himself out of the flashbacks that he was suddenly starting to get.
He felt himself start to sweat.
His knees started shaking.
His pupils dilated.
And he started breathing irregularly.

Actually, he wasn't breathing at all.

Fuck break out of it. Not the time not the time not the FUCKING TIME-

Another blood curling screech from the giant creature broke Izuku out of his panic attack just as Gran Torino grabbed him by the waist and moved him out of the way of a giant claw swipe.

The old man jumped from carriage to carriage until he got to a fairly safe distance and put the boy onto his feet again, then turned his face so that he was sure Izuku was looking him in the eye.
"Boy, I know you can hear me. This isn't a task that a kid can handle, so help evacuate the people and then go to a safe place. Preferably outside of this.... This whole city. Okay? Promise? Now go." He quickly finished, immediately disappearing after saying his last word.

Izuku wasn't the type to do what he was told, especially after basically being called a "kid" and "weak", but now he didn't say anything and just nodded. He couldn't argue at the moment. Before he could make any decisions he had to calm down first.
He took a deep breath, turned around and got to work.

"Hey kiddo, what are you scared of?"

Izuku bit his lip in concentration as he gently scooped up a kid and pulled him out from under the seat just as the carriage started collapsing. He jumped from wall to wall and eventually handed the little boy over to another hero he surprisingly didn't know the name of.
Must be another intern.

"Me? I'm scared of a lot of things."

Another collapsed carriage, two more rescued people.
Izuku grunted and wiped the sweat off his forehead as he realised how abnormally long this train was.

"Really? I thought you were big and strong and never feared anything, hm?"

Izuku looked back, noticing the flying Nomu in the air and gulped. Even though it was a good distance away from him, the razor-sharp claws and crazy eyes of the creature seemed as though they were right in front of him.
Just like back at the USJ.

He felt the women in his arms shift, and her eyes crack open.
Izuku found her knocked out by some falling debris and was now carrying her to the rescue team.
"Shh, don't speak Ma'am. All you need to know is that you're safe and you're gonna be okay." Izuku smiled at her while running across the carriage and scanning for any more victims.
"I just need you to stay awake for me okay?"
The lady nodded slightly and Izuku held her a little tighter.

"That's ridiculous. Everyone is scared of something."

A raw once again erupted from behind Izuku, making the lump in his throat grow.
"What is that?"
The women in his arms asked.
Izuku looked down at her and smiled softly. "No need to worry. I'm going to hand you over to the rescue team soon and you'll be in complete safety. If you have anyone that you were travelling on this train with, I recommend you ask one of the rescue heroes about their whereabouts so we can ensure everyone is present and safe." Izuku glanced down at the women to make sure she understood him, and after he saw her nod, a hero floating above the train caught his eye.

The hero seemed to notice Izuku as well because he smiled at him once they met eye contact and quickly flew down to his level.
"Here kid, let me take her."
Izuku smiled and nodded while carefully handing the lady over.

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