Chapter 46 - The Crack Widens

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"What the fuck are you doing here nerd?!" Bakugo yelled, jumping up and taking multiple steps back, furiously wiping his tears.
Izuku frowned.
"I... I need to talk to you." He said sternly, looking Bakugo in the eyes. Bakugo looked back at him but didn't move, still trying to recover from the shock.

A kid did just fly right above his head and land right in front of him, so..

"Bakugo.." Izuku tried again, but was interrupted straight after.
"You better not tell anyone, nerd. Otherwise I'll kill you." He growled, finally coming back from his shocked state, and sparking explosions in his palms as a warning.
Izuku shivered. "No no don't worry. I never give out secrets."
Bakugo sighed with an annoyed face. "It's not a damn secret..." he mumbled, looking away.
Izuku smiled slightly.
He never changes.

"Look, I need to talk to you. Like, this is really important." Izuku said, taking a step forward.
Bakugos head snapped up. "I don't care, I need to prepare for my next fight." He stated, turning around and starting to walk away.
Izuku huffed angrily. "It's really important and I honestly believe that you might want to know too." He called out, running up to the boy.
Bakugo ignored him. "I don't give a fuck!" He yelled, storming off faster.

Izuku sighed.
He'll have to do it the hard way then.


Bakugo stopped abruptly. Just freezing in place. Slowly, Bakugo turned around, as his eyes glared into Izuku's, burning holes into them. Izuku watched as his fists clenched and explosions started sparking by themselves, his body tensing up and his face becoming filled with range.

Wow. Fun. Now he had to deal with this.

It was barely audible but Izuku heard it.
"What did you just say?!" He growled lowly, taking a step toward Izuku.
Izuku put up his hands in a defensive position.
"That's what I wanted to talk abo-"

But obviously Bakugo didn't hear him because the next second he was already yelling and blasting himself at Izuku.
"I said, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY??!!" Bakugo screamed, bashing Izuku into the ground and pinning him down to the cold, corridor floor.
"Bakugo wait-" Izuku tried, but immediately got a punch in the face.
"SAY IT AGAIN! I FUCKING DARE YOU!" Bakugo yelled, raising his fist again. Izuku tried to speak but another blow landed on his face as it snapped sideways.

He didn't dodge, nor did he attack back.
He received them, punch by punch, knowing full well that he deserves them.

"I THOUGHT YOU UNDERSTOOD ME! DON'T EVER SAY THAT WORD AGAIN! NEVER EVER, YOU HEAR ME?!" Bakugo yelled, continually bashing Izuku's face.
Izuku groaned as he got hit again, but his eyes widened as he looked up.

Bakugo was crying.

His face was red and eyes puffy and swollen. His lips were all cracked and dried blood was visible on them from too much biting. Tears rolled down his cheeks and dripped onto Izuku's chest, making his shirt wet.

Bakugo had snapped.

Izuku gritted his teeth as he received another punch.
His call was lost in the inherent yelling of the blonde, who was just punching the ground next to the boy now, not even aiming anymore.
He couldn't hear or see anything.
"Bakugo!!" Izuku tried again, but to no avail.

Bakugo was too deep in his memories. The memories that he tried oh so desperately to forget, to pretend as if they never happened, but never succeeded. The memories, the pain, the hurt that he had pushed back to the bottom of his heart.
They were all pouring back up again.

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