Chapter 53 - First Fight

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Iida couldn't sleep.

It wasn't because of nightmares, insomnia or anything like that. Actually, Iida couldn't quite catch onto the exact fact of why he couldn't fall asleep, but all he knew for sure, was that he was feeling hatred.

Extreme hatred.

Iida gritted his teeth as his mind reminded him of that one person. He clenched his hands in fists under his blanket as his mind replayed the events that happened that afternoon after the Sports Festival.

His brother, all bandaged up and connected to multiple monitors and machines, laying helplessly on a hospital bed, unconscious.
Thank god he was alive, even if barely.
It was horrible. Horrible seeing his brother in that condition. For Iida, Tensei was always a role model, an idol, and most of all a beloved older brother. For his whole life.
His whole life he looked up to Tensei, he followed his footsteps and he was his main motivation to move forward and improve.

But now.
Now that Ingenium is gone, who's going to play that roll for Tenya?

Iida grumbled and turned over to his other side once again. His eyes narrowed and his jaw suddenly clenched as he remembered who's fault this was.
That man.
He harmed his brother. He made him unable to live his dream. He destroyed Iidas whole purpose of living.
He ruined Iidas life!

If stares could burn, the plushie in front of Iida would've been burnt to ashes by now.
He hated it. He hated how easily and quickly everything happened. He hated how he couldn't do anything to prevent it.

Hero Killer: Stain.
That name is engraved into his head forever.
Iida has decided - he was going to get his, and his brothers, revenge.
Perhaps "revenge" sounds too harsh. Iida would prefer calling it "returning the favour".
Not that he minds being harsh in this case.

It was coming up. He could feel it.
He needs to be prepared this time.

The hatred and adrenaline that was bubbling through Tenya made him aggressively roll back onto his back and stare straight at the ceiling.

He can't stuff this up.

Izuku shivered and looked up. He was feeling uneasy for some reason, and he didn't like it. He didn't like being unaware of things in general, actually. Just a vigilante thing that he picked up over the years - it's always better to know what's going to happen, then to improvise when it does.
He always had this kind of feeling before something bad happens and he learnt to listen to it.

Except this time the feeling that he had in his gut had a different flavour to it. A bitter one.
Izuku couldn't quite grasp what it was.

"Zu you okay?" Asahi asked as he half turned around to look back at his brother.
Izuku snapped out of trance and looked over at him. Riku who was a bit ahead of them noticed that they had stopped and also did, then looked back at them both with a confused look.

They had about an hour left of patrol together before the kids have to go back and Izumi continues patrolling by himself.
So far it was been pretty peaceful. Here and there they would meet a drunk dude and help him reach his house, or a lost dog and they'd return it to his owner, and stuff like that.
Izuku tried his best to steer clear of actual criminals because he thought that they weren't ready for them yet.

However now, since they have gotten used to the whole atmosphere of the night and grown accustomed to the conditions, Izuku finally decided to risk it.

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