Chapter 8 - Midoriya?!

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Yay, changed the cover!!
9:20 pm -
Izuku POV:
"We're here." Sky whispered, checking her phone once again. The four of us dropped down onto our stomachs and stared down at the small alleyway beneath us, lit up only by one small street light.
In short, this is what happened in the past 3 weeks:
- first, Sky and the others introduced me to all the vigilante community and how it worked.
- second, I warmed up to them, we became very strong alliances and did our patrols together. Our trust strengthened.
- third, I told them about the Akuza. They helped me find information through everyone in the vigilante community. We got enough information to pin point the location and actions of the group, and made a plan.
- I used my receivers to tell he police all the information regarding the Akuza that we found. Sky hacked onto their camera and recorder system and we learned their plan.
- then lastly we made our plan fit theirs and make our victory of disbanding the criminal group a 99.9% victory, simply because in a vigilantes life nothing is ever 100%.

And today, right now, at 9:20 pm our plan was in action. It was basically like this:
1. Police and heroes arrive and raid the place. Take out the main villains.
2. We jump out of our hiding places, knock out the guards on standby outside if there are any, walk in ourselves making sure to not be seen. Hide, but look through and occasionally help the police and heroes in secret. Provide secret help.
3. Sky takes note of all the information that we might find out that is helpful.
4. Police and heroes are victorious, leave, do their stuff. We stay for a bit longer, look for information and make sure the heroes and police haven't missed anything or anyone.
5. We leave, job done. Have coffee in vigilante base and organise the information gotten. Treat wounds and stuff.

And so now we were in our hiding place - the rooftop above the alleyway with the place where the Akuza is supposedly hiding in. Sky checked the police and hero radar on her phone, and we waited until the heroes and police come.
"So, everyone remember the plan?" Shadow confirmed.
"Yes." Everyone answered.
"Good. No independent action allowed. If plan is needed to be changed, contact everyone through the telepathy I will connect everyone by. Everyone remember how to activate that?"
"Yes." Everyone answered once more. Two fingers at the side of the head. I repeated again silently.
"Good." Shadow nodded. He was our commander. "Sky, location of our weapon?"
"The heroes and police are going to be here in 2 minutes. Coming from the north-west. Everything according to plan." Sky whispered back.
"Good. Everyone get ready for action." Shadow finished.
"Always are." We all answered.

Soon we all here's the sound of cars driving and quiet muttering. I activated my night vision on my glasses.
"Attention. Main weapon arrived. Four police trucks, approximately 70 police men. Two trucks with heroes. Approximately 30 small heroes. Also independent heroes. Hawks, Erasurehead, Flaming Trash, Midnight, and Mirko. About to raid."
Everyone nodded.
"I'm still shocked at how you made that night vision thing! It's so cool!" Sky whispered. I smiled.
A roar was heard from below as the heroes and police smashed through the front door of the basement. Police lights on the cars lit up, and we noticed that the police cars surrounded the whole building in a circle.
"I'm happy they surrounded the building, but doesn't that also mean they surrounded us?" Sky said nervously. Fox shushed us.
"Shut up. We'll do this, it's not like it's our first mission so stop wining."
I chuckled at their friendly bicker.

Finally all the police and heroes disappeared into the basement, and fight sounds were now heard. As we anticipated, three guards were left outside the door to the basement to stop anyone from going in or running out. Shadow nodded with a smirk.
"Plan to action." He whispered and we all jumped at the same time. We landed silently into the alleyway behind the three police men, carefully hidden into he shadows. We walked up to them quietly, and suddenly jumped out of the darkness, giving the three police men a slight chop on their neck, giving them no time to even gasp. Then we gently lowered them to the ground, and dragged them to the side.

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