Chapter 4 - Getting Ready

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(Picture is not part of story)

Izuku POV:
Today is the day. My first patrol day! Or should I say night? Anyway, today I am going on my first patrol!
I trained hard for the past 2 years, worked and learned, all to lead up to this day.

I stood up from my bed and stretched, yawning. I walked over to the bathroom, did my things and got ready for the day.
Today was a Sunday, and so I didn't have work. My shifts were only on school days, and sometimes, when they didn't have enough people, on Saturdays. On Sundays I usually spend my time getting everything ready for my vigilante work, and training.

I smirked as I looked at myself in the mirror. Welp, soon you ugly weirdo will become a vigilante. How exciting.
I sighed and walked out, immediately glancing over to the wall next to my desk.
It was an ordinary wall, at first glance - a brown brick wall. But, to me it was a very special wall.

I walked up to my desk and looked over at the wall. I lifted my hand up and traced my fingers over the cold bricks. Hmm.. there! I pressed onto one of the bricks, and something in the wall cracked, then some bricks around the one I pressed started going into the wall, and eventually there appeared a hole. Well, sort of like a cupboard.
I built this a while ago, and was working on it for a long time. It's a secret place where I keep my vigilante stuff.

Oh right, I forgot to tell you. I have my very own vigilante costume. I haven't finished it yet, only added some things I knew I'll need. I'm very good at making stuff, especially because the beach provides me with loads and loads of helpful stuff to build from.
But if course, some things I would need for my costume, even I couldn't built. That's why I, as Izumi, went to a nearby shop. Well, it was actually a whole story.


3rd Person POV:
9 year old Izuku walked down the streets of his town, dressed up as Izumi. He just finished his shift at the cafe, and it was about 8:10 pm. Izuku was sleepy, but he didn't show it on his face or his body. He steadily walked down the street, until he heard a squeal. He stopped and looked around. Raising an eyebrow, confused, he tried to remember if the squeal sounded like someone needed help, or if the squeal didn't happen at all and his sleepy mind was playing tricks on him.

Suddenly, his question was answered as a loud boom echoed through the alleyways. Izuku sprung up, and ran towards the sound. He turned into the alleyway, and skidded to a halt. He frantically looked around, noticing all the black coal and... flowers? Plaster across the walls and floor of the alleyway.

Then, out of the black clouds came out a girl with pink hair, coughing. Izuku ran over to her immediately, worried that she was hurt in whatever happened.
"Hey are you ok?!" He asked, helping her walk over to the clean part of the alleyway. The girl kept coughing, until she calmed down. She then looked up at Izuku and smiled widely.
"Oh yes! I'm just fine. It's just such a shame that the experiment didn't work." She sighed but laughed. "Well, nothing to be sad about! We just have to try again!" She stood up, punching the air. "Woohoo!"

Izuku stood dumbfounded, not knowing what was happening.
"W..wait... what.. what do you mean??" He hesitated before asking. "What experiment?"
The girl turned to him and grinned.
"Oh! I was testing out an experiment! I wanted to make a bomb that explodes with flowers when heated, but when I heated it it burned and exploded with black stuff." She laughed. The girl stepped back and spread her arms. "This is the place I use to test out all my babies. No one lives close to here anymore because they didn't like it for some reason." The girl shrugged while Izuku smiled inside. This girl is so cool.

Then, the girl smiled even wider.
"Oh! By the way, I'm Mei Hatsume, call me whatever you like! We're friends now! Come, I'll show you my house!" Mei ran to Izuku and grabbed his hand, then dragged him out the alleyway. She turned a corner and ran to a nearby building. It was black, with some advertisements of technology items.

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