Chapter 5 - Nightmist: Origin

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3rd Person POV:
Izuku walked closer to his house, following all safety procedures. Nobody should see a supposedly 2 years dead boy wondering the streets in the evening.
Izuku opened the door and stepped in, smirking like an idiot. This is so stupid. Why am I so excited to break the law?

Izuku smiled as he walked over to the plain wall. He pressed the necessary brick, and waited until the wall transformed. He observed the costume and items there, all ready and waiting to be used. Izuku smiled. Finally.
He reached out and lifted up the main costume. After a bit he changed, and smiled proudly as he looked at himself. This costume was made by himself, out of materials he found and bought. It was quite simple though. Izuku leaned down and took out all his other items, separating them into their designated pockets on his jacket and pants.
Then, when he finished, he walked over to the bathroom. He opened a small drawer to the left of the main ones, barely visible to people who don't know about it. Izuku shuffle the paper over that was there to hide the three other contents - a black bandana with dark green dots, a bottle of brown hair dye, and a box of bright blue contacts. Izuku nodded to himself, then started his work. First he dyed his hair. He poured the dye onto his head, then leaned over the sink and ruffled his hair. The dye was quick-drying, so it took about 1 minute for it to dry and set in. Once Izuku was satisfied with the shade of the brown and made sure no green was seen, he took out the contacts. Bright blue ones. Hmm... Like the sky I guess.. oh right, I need to come up with a vigilante name. He thought as he blinked the contacts in.
Lastly, he tied up the bandana. He looked at himself in the mirror and smirked. Awesome.

Izuku breathed out a sigh of relief and excitement. I'm all ready.
He walked over to his desk and took a mask off of it. He smiled proudly at it, and clipped it onto his face. Let's go.
Izuku slowly and certify checked that everything was there and on him in the correct spots, then looked over at his window. Mum, just watch me. I will become a hero of the shadows. I will be the shadowed light.

Izuku stepped onto the window seal and jumped down onto the ground. Today is all about testing out my equipment, remember that, Izuku.

Detailed description of Izuku's costume:
Keep in mind that Izuku is still very inexperienced, and so often fumbled his equipment.

Detailed description of Izuku's costume: Keep in mind that Izuku is still very inexperienced, and so often fumbled his equipment

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