Chapter 3 - Izuku Midoriya: Origin

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Warning: mention of rape/sexual abuse. Mention of child abuse.

"Hey mom! I'm back!" Izuku shouted, closing the door and stepping inside his house.
Izuku stopped dead in his tracks at the voice, then slowly turned around.
His face paled as he saw who it was. Hisashi.
"" He mumbled.
Hisashi snarled.
"Hey brat. I'm back from work early, isn't that great?" Hisashi smirked.
Izuku looked down at the floor, knowing that the guy doesn't work. Only his mother does, trying her best to support the family while Hisashi just spends the money all on alcohol and gambling.
"Y..yeah...." Izuku whispered.
Hisashi smirked wider.
"Oh! I see Inko isn't here yet.... well that's perfect! We are free to spend some father and son time!" He smiled and laughed.
Sweat rolled down the 6 year old Izuku's face as Hisashi knelt down and bit his ear.
"Let's have some fun~"

"AHH!" Izuku screamed as he shot up in his bed, breathing heavily, the nightmare of the flashback still clear in his eyes.

" stop... stop... please..."

"No! I'm fine now! Stop!"

"Don't worry, I have a lot more prepared for you today." *wack*


"Oh? There's no more space to whip you I see.... hmm... well I suppose you're grown up enough for the knife now...."

"NOOOO!!!" Izuku slammed his head against the wall, clutching his stomach where a deep cut scar was. He rubbed it in circles, reminding him that it was just a past memory. It's ok. I'm ok. He's not here. I'm fine.

Izuku stood up, slowly looking around the house. The large desk in the right corner covered with paper, the rug in the middle of the room, the small kitchen, the armchair and the books sprawled out across the whole floor reminded him of where he was and who he was.
Izuku sighed and closed his eyes. Ugh. The nightmares are annoying. He opened his eyes and slowly made his way to the small door in the wall at the back of the room.

Izuku opened the door and stepped in, shutting it behind him. He went over to the toilet, and sighed as he did his business. Seriously. I'm already 10 and I still get those dumb nightmares. Can't my stupid brain understand that that's all in the past?!
Izuku flushed the toilet and went over to the sink. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, then looked into the small mirror hanging on the wall.
I really do look bad in the mornings.
Izuku huffed a dry laugh and walked out of the bathroom. He walked over to the piles of clothes separated in boxes that lay next to his bed along the wall, and kneeled down infront of them. Then Izuku glanced over at the tiny window above the main door, and raised an eyebrow. He glanced at the shadow cast from the sun outside on his floor and sighed.
8 am? Oops, I guess I slept in again.
Izuku quickly out on a white t-shirt and a white skirt, then some socks, and finally he slipped on some black heels. The kids always said I have a female body. I guess everything can come useful.

Izuku jumped up, then walked to the desk. He dug through all the books and papers carefully, and exhaled as he saw what he was looking for - a pink long hair girl wig. He took it out, walked to the bathroom, and while looking at the mirror, carefully secured the wig on his head. Izuku checked himself again in the mirror, then nodded in approval and walked towards the front door, walking out of the house. I might be late..

Izuku walked into the small building, smiling nervously. Suddenly he flinched at the loud voice:
"Izzzuuummiiiii!!!!!! Why are you late?!" A blonde girl jumped infront of him, staring into his eyes. Izuku forced a blush and started fiddling with his fingers.
"I...I overslept.. sorry Lucy.." he mumbled, looking down at the ground. They always said I have a female voice too..
Lucy sighed.
"Don't worry, I'll forgive you again because of how good you make coffee. But if you don't want to get fired, get to work now!" She shouted, pointing at the staff door with one hand, with the other on her hip.
"Y.yes! Sorry!" Izuku squeaked, quickly hurrying to the door and shutting it behind him.

Here, at the small cat cafe, he was known as Izumi - the pink haired girl who's often late but is very good at making coffee.

Izuku sighed as he collapsed on his bed, exhausted from all the acting and working. So... it's about 5 pm, so I still have time to go to the beach! Hmm I saw a lot of good stuff over there the other day....
Izuku quickly changed into black pants, a green long-sleeve shirt and a red cap, partly to hide his hair, and partly to hide his face.
He slipped on his shoes and smiled  slightly as he walked out of the house once again, locking the door behind him. (With a proper lock. He made it to fit the door when he was about 9 and a half using a "how to work with metal" book.)

The 10 year old boy stepped onto the beach, breathing in the ocean air.
"Ah... I love the smell of this beach.." he mumbled. I used to go here everyday with mom before... before everyone started dumping rubbish here and before.. well.. before that happened.
Izuku walked up to the piles of rubbish looked up to observe the mountain. Well look what's here. He whistled as he noticed a brand new laptop sparkling in the sun on top of everything. Must be my lucky day. But still, who the fuck throws out a brand new laptop?! Ohh I see. It's the brand.. ugh humans a so idiotic.

Izuku smirked. Well, time to test out what the 2 years of intense training did! Izuku looked over the pile, taking note of where the stable places to step on were and how stable they looked. Then, Izuku smirked and nodded to himself. He took a step back, then ran forward, jumped onto a couch which gave him a little spring upward, then landed on a piece of sticking out metal, but immediately jumped off it and back flipped, getting ahold of the laptop while falling. He smiled proudly as he landed on the sand once again, but winced as his feet slid forward and he collapsed onto his back.
Ugh.. my feet aren't used to landing on sand. But at least I got the laptop!
Izuku proudly lifted up the laptop to the sky, and smiled softly.
This was the last thing I needed before I could finally achieve my goal!

Izuku Midoriya, at the age of 8, lost his mother in a car accident. The boy, though, didn't give up, not on his dream, nor on himself, nor on life. He found a house, worked hard to clean it and transfer all the needed furniture and things from his old house to the one he found, and make it into a nice home. Izuku got himself a job in a cat cafe by making himself into a 13 year old girl, Izumi Kimura, who's short, flat, and specialises in coffee, as he had learnt quite a lot of things by looking after himself and his mother when his father left.
The boy, Izuku Midoriya, earned enough money for food, water and other necessary products. That also includes everything he needs for his dream, being a vigilante, of course.
Everyday he went to the library as Izumi and read. He studied, read, learned; he did everything to become smarter. He excelled his own expectations at every subject - except art that is. The boy believed knowledge was a very powerful weapon, and so learnt everything and anything that he could.
He did everything to reach the goal he wanted - becoming a vigilante.
For the past years, since the accident, the boy trained very hard, pushing himself to his limits every day. He climbed, pulled himself, dragged himself and stormed his way up to his goal. He never gave up, that boy.

The boy, Izuku Midoriya, who supposedly died in the car accident 2 years ago. The boy, who is a "quirkless good-for-nothing".

The boy who lost everything at the age of 8, but never gave up.

And now that boy finally completed his last step to becoming a vigilante.

The Shadowed LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora