Chapter 32 - Collapsing

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"It's been five days Nightmist."

Izuku clenched his fists. He hated how the underlying message in those words stung his chest.
"I know."
The women sighed, sitting down next to Izuku quietly, gently rapping an arm around his shoulders. Izuku let her, simply because he had no energy to care anymore.
"Look... I didn't want to be the one to tell you this, but.. I guess you could say I was voted to by the majority." She squeezed Izuku's shoulder gently, then brushing a strand of hair from his face. She sighed, hugging the boy closer to her.
"You know, the life you chose isn-"
"Shut up." Izuku rudely interrupted, venom and dread dripping from his every word as he seethed through his clenched teeth. "If you don't leave this room in 5 seconds I will forcefully push you out. I don't want any words coming from your mouth or anyone else's unless it's useful information. Now leave."

The women was taken aback by that statement, but as she tried to argue, Izuku interrupted her before she even had the chance to speak.
"Wait I just-"
The women sighed and stood up, turning to face the door. She paused, glancing down at the boy who was staring at the floor with a straight face and clenched fists.
"You know we all just want to help, Misty."
There was a pause as the women slightly smiled thinking her words worked, but then as she attempted to speak again, Izuku interrupted once more:
"Three." Izuku continued more firmly. The women flinched at that, then finally bowed to Izuku and soon left, still pausing at the door to look back, but when hearing the firm "two" from Izuku, slowly closed the door behind her and left.

Izuku sighed a heavy sigh. Why was life so hard for him? Why was he the one picked by god to endure all this shit? Why were his friends and family been chosen to suffer?
Izuku leaned his elbows onto his knees and put his head in his hands. He ruffled his hair a bit and sighed again, closing his eyes.

Things were not going well for him at all. The case was made mandatory for every single person in the club to research, from collecting evidence, to hacking onto devices to get information, to spying on suspects and interrogating them.
Everyone was doing everything they fucking can.

And yet fucking still there was so little information.

Izuku didn't know what to worry about. There were so many things going on right at this moment that his mind was splitting into million pieces, each reminding him that he had to think about all this and he has to prepare because these things might happen, that all Izuku wanted them to do was to glue themselves back together into a whole brain again, so that he could finally think rationally.

He hasn't slept for how many days? Was it four? Five? Izuku doesn't know and frankly, doesn't care. It isn't the time to sleep right now.

The only things that everyone has found out by now are that it is a big organisation that attacked, they attacked at approximately 1 am that night and that there were more than one person responsible for the kidnapping. It was determined that the fire was caused by someone's quirk, and Izuku noted down the weird familiarity of the blue flames in his notebook. Izuku is sure that it'll be useful to remember later.

One thing that was truly a big relief for Izuku however, was when he received a confirmation that it was officially determined that the two victims were alive and were just kept hostage by the kidnappers.

Now that wasn't good news at all, but it was better than wondering if the kids were even alive for Izuku.

Izuku squeezed his eyes tighter, then leant back into the couch with a huge sigh. He was tired, angry and sad. He didn't like it.

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