Chapter 21 - A Normal Hormonal Teenager

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As far as Izuku can remember with his amazing ass memory, Bakugo never talked to any other "extras" in a friend tone or way. Much less tell anyone his secrets or problems.
Even himself, Bakugo's best friend and enemy, never heard Bakugo admitting anything to him about his personal problems.

And yet, here Izuku is, pinned to the wall by the collar, listening to Bakugo talk to him in a barely audible whisper.
"Look nerd. Never ever tell anyone about what I'm about to say or you're fucking dead. Understood?"
The tone of the blondes voice made Izuku nod sheepishly, suddenly wondering if the boy was maybe a sadist or a really aggressive masochist.
Maybe both.
Izuku made a small "oh" with his mouth in surprise. This was not like Bakugo. He would always be straight forward, never stuttee or hesitate, and always be angry. Right now, the teen was obviously trying to gather his thoughts and come up with a better way to phrase the words that were about to be said.
"Listen. I need... oh fuck it. I need advise."
Izuku widened his eyes in a clear expressed shock.
Bakugo asking for advise? The Bakugo?
"S..sure..." he mumbled. He slowly got lowered to the ground and when his feet touched the floor he glanced up. Fucking up, because Bakugo was at least a foot or even two taller than him.
"I've uh, made a mistake."
Izuku should probably stop describing how shocked he was at every word and action that came out of the boy.

He decided to play innocent.
"Hey, um, Bakugo I think your name is? I have no idea what you are talking about, but I can tell it's uh, something you're uncomfortable talking about. Are you sure you want to talk about it with me? Like um, you barely know me and I barely know you so I think I won't be much help with personal problems..."
Izuku but his lip. He hates social interaction, and it's especially hard when talking to a former bully/friend. He didn't want to sound rude, otherwise that would mess up his character that he's supposed to act as.

He glanced up again, and saw Bakugo gritting his teeth and... biting his cheek? Uh well, fair enough?
"Look.... Nerd...." The tone leaked with anger that he is obviously trying his absolute best to hold in. Izuku wasn't sure if Toshiro was supposed to be spooked by it, but he wasn't.
"I... I need advise from a person who doesn't know anything. Don't make me repeat myself and listen." He whispered.
I nodded slowly. "Ok then. Sorry, go on."
"A-and also..." Bakugo's voice cracked, and Izuku barely heard the next words, "you... you kinda remind me of him..."
Izuku raised a brow, but didn't say anything.

Bakugo sighed a shaky breath.
"I... I made a mistake. I had a friend. I treasured him, but he didn't know that. He was special and important to me."
I nodded along. Well, ok, i guess everyone has had at least one friend, even Kaachan.
"He... he was always so nice to me, and I was always rude to him. After a while, I became his bully. It all kinda shifted. I don't know how that fucking happened."
Izuku froze. Oh no. He can't be talking about what I think he's talking about.
"The friend also had some kind of problem. I don't know what, and I never had the cour- I mean, I couldn't swallow back my fucking pried enough to ask him about it. It made me worried."
Izuku was now watching Bakugo with eyes as wide as sauces, mouth hanging opened.
"Then... his birthday came, and that was the day I decided to say sorry to him for everything. I.. I even bought his favourite food - Katsudon. I- I... he..." Bakugo took a deep breath and clenched his fists tighter. "On that day, as I was about to leave to deliver that present to him, I saw the news. On the news it said that there was a large car crash just a few minutes ago. At first I didn't think much of it, but as I saw the screen I froze. It was um... it ... my friend was in that car crash with his mother. It was his car - no mistake. The car exploded and even his c.. c... c-corpse was never found. I... I never said sorry to him. He..."
Izuku wasn't sure what he was hearing, as he was sure he was hyperventilating by now, but he sure as hell felt the salty tears running down his face, and the tears dripping down from Bakugo's, onto his hands.
"I... I want to prevent that from.. from happening again. Please, tell me what I need to do to stop becoming a bully to the extras.. tell me." He sucked in a breath and squeezed his eyes shut and then opened them again to force the crying to stop.

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