Chapter 52 - Weeds In A Garden

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Izuku bit his lip.

Riku had grown so much since he came, and Izuku can't quite believe it. He knew the boy was a capable one, but seriously, he's learning fast.

The two were in the middle of a training session right now, and Izuku suggested that they'll spar. Riku, of course, didn't have anything against it and happily agreed, and so now Izuku is grinning as he blocks every powerful hit Riku makes at him.

It truly makes him proud of what this boy has become in such a short time.

They finished training when Riku was sweating buckets and his knees were practically buckling from underneath him.
Izuku smiled at him, giving him a hand and helping him up from the floor.

"You did awesome today Riku! It's been a long time since we sparred and fought like that, and you've grown a lot!" Izuku said proudly, clapping the boys back.
Riku nodded but seemed disappointed.
"But I didn't manage to land a single blow on you."
Izuku smiled but half smirked and booped him on the nose.
"I'm Japans youngest and greatest vigilante, what do you expect? Beating me after training for such a short time? No bud, you're far from that." He sighed, "but I'm sure after a few years you'll definitely beat me - I'm actually not that great." He half-jokingly whispered that part into Riku's ear and the boy giggled.
"No! What are you saying?! You're the most amazing person I know besides sir Stain and I-"
Izuku gasped dramatically, holding onto his chest, "you're saying that Stain is more amazing than I am?!"
Riku blushed and waved his arms around, "n-no! I meant- you're both really amazing a-and it's not like he's b-better just- I admire you both and-"
Izuku laughed, interrupting Rikus panicked rambling.
"It's okay, I get you, calm down." He smiled, but then changed his tone to serious. "What I wanted to talk about however, was something else. Come, let's sit. Your legs are tired."

Riku followed Izuku as the older set out to chairs for them. They were in the fighting arena that was located underneath the main club area and was even deeper underground. It was where people who are part of the club have fighting competitions, sparring and anything else to do with training their bodies.

The two sat down and Izuku looked into Rikus eyes.
"I was thinking about you joining me on my patrol today." He stated and loved the way Rikus eyes widened and brightened up as if they were stars inside them.
"R-really?!" He exclaimed, shocked. No surprise there though - Izuku had always told him that it was too early and too dangerous for him.

The reason Izuku decided this today, was because he was going on an irregular patrol today to add more hours in, and so he'll manage to patrol with Riku for some hours until he needs to sleep, and Jen continue his own patrol afterwards.
Also, Riku and Asahi have both really improved over the time period, and he really wanted them to experience a real fight to actually feel the adrenaline pumping through, the cold air and the bitter sweet taste of risk and danger surrounding you everywhere.

Oh how Izuku loves that feeling.

Also, he remembers that someone told him once that if kids keep getting denied of what they really want, they'll end up getting it themselves regardless, just without supervision and permission.
That's exactly what Izuku wanted to avoid.
He doesn't want the same thing that happened with Asahi that night to happen again, and so he decided to allow them to patrol just this once when it's safer.

"Is Ash allowed to come?"
Izuku nodded. "Yes. Today I'm changing my hours around a bit, so we can patrol together when it's still not too dark, so that way you two can get your beauty sleep, and also patrol when it's a bit safer."
Riku furrowed his eyebrows but nodded nonetheless.

After that, the two headed back upstairs and Riku immediately told Asahi the good news. Asahi couldn't quite believe it though so he ended up asking Izuku and once Izuku confirmed it, the two boys immediately started getting ready, packing and unpacking then packing again, everything they possible could need on their first ever patrol.

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