Chapter 17 - UA Entrance Exam!

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PS: this chapter is long af

3rd Person POV:
- 17th January, 3pm -
Aizawa knocked on the white door that had a big sign saying "detective Tsukauchi" on it. Today was the day he had to present all information that he gathered on the vigilante Nightmist, and talk over the matter with Tsukauchis info as well.
The good thing is that the meeting was supposed to only last an hour at most, but the bad things is is that Aizawa hasn't gathered much information and he was embarrassed. As much as a person like Aizawa can be, though.
Today was, sadly for Aizawa, also the UA entrance exam, where Nezu told him that "he absolutely has to be present". On the other hand though, that's another reason he could use to get away from the meeting earlier.

A voice of none other than Tsukauchi was heard from behind the door.
"Come in."
Aizawa opened the door and locked it behind it. He walked up to the desk and sat down in the spare chair opposite the detectives one.
Tsukauchi smiled. "I see your mood hasn't been very good lately."
Aizawa nodded with his normal non-emotional face.
The detective sighed, picking up some papers.
"Well, we better get started. So Aizawa, first you share all your information and I'll write it down next to mine. Don't rush, I write slowly."
Aixawa nodded again. "I barely have a lot. Basically, I now know that the vigilante is connected with other vigilantes and works in a team with them. Though after what happened in my hero agency, I think most of his close vigilante "friends" died, so I don't know what he's doing now. Not helpful, anyway. Oh, also he's connected with Stain. They worked together."
Tsuakuchi looked up from his sheet. "Stain?"
"Yeah, you know that "Herro Killer" as they call him? He's in Hosu right now, they split up. Probably got to do with the same hero raid thing too."
The detective nodded. "Ok."
"Well, also, I have evidence that Nightmist isn't alone now, he's taking care of a kid. So, adopted a kid. The police say, that after they raided this place and rescued the kids that were held there, two black people attacked them and took away a kid named "Asahi Midoriya." I think that might help us find a lead." Aizawa layed back into his seat. "And that's basically it. The brat is good at hiding even from me." He said, his eyes annoyed, but face like usual.
Tsukauchi nodded and finished up writing.
"Perfect! Now, listen. The police investigated the two photos that you sent us, and cleared up the mist, added light and edited the photos, and by the looks of it...." He paused for dramatic effect but just received a bored look from Aizawa. He sighed. "By the looks of it, the vigilante is about 18 years of age. Barely an adult."
Aizawa raised his eyebrow. "That's way too young."
Tsuakauchi, having a hard time to tell if Aizawa actually cared, nodded. "Yeah, and that makes him a minor as well. Also, as soon as I received that information, I started wondering, had the guy ever done anything actually illegal? Like, I understand that vigilantism is against the law, but that's only if they use their quirks without authority. Have you seen him use a quirk?"
Aizawa tilted his head. "First of all, "he"?"
Tsukauchi facepalmed. "Ah right! That's something we also got from the photos. He's most likely a male, because of the muscles that we saw in his arms and the built of his body."
Aizawa sighed. "Most likely?" He mumbled. "Well, anyway, that's helpful." He went silent for a moment. "Quirk, huh?" He mumbled. Then, he raised his head.
"Never saw him directly, hell, I barely ever got to even catch glimpse of him. But I tried erasing his quirk once when he was fighting at the centre I was talking about earlier, when we fought together, and nothing seemed to change, so I think he has some sort of mutant quirk. For example, maybe a IQ quirk."
Tsukauchi nodded slowly. "Good good. Now we just have to narrow down the options of mutant quirks." He thought out loud. Then he looked up again. "Hey, what about the kids quirk?"
"What kid?"
"The ones you said that he adopted."
"Oh, the police has no idea. They only saw him for a moment before he got stolen so they only had his name and rough appearance."
Tsuakuchi sighed. "Great, now there's also the possibility of the kid having some sort of quirk that gives special ability to another person, and he uses the kid for himself to be stronger."
Aizawa shook his head three times very abruptly. "No way. The brat is a vigilante, yes, but I've talked to him and seen how he acts. He will never steal a kid and make him work for him. And also, he adopted the kid recently, how did he manage to fight like that all those years ago?"
Tsukauchi smiled and nodded, crossing out something on his paper. "Right! That's one possibility less."

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