Chapter 41 - Drinking And Thinking

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Life itself is a complicated term.
Children would say that life is very important - the most wonderful thing in the world.
Teenagers or young adults will probably reply with "life is shit".
Adults may say that life is hard but an obstacle that you were lucky to be given.
However older people, grandmothers or grandfathers, they might tell you that life has good and bad parts, but is a magical experience.

So what is "life", exactly?

Izuku has been pondering on that question his whole life. Honestly, "life", the term, doesn't have any meaning for him whatsoever. Yeah, it's weird.
He explains that by saying that he has no goal in life. He just goes with the flow, you know?

But really, deep inside, he knows that's not true.

That's not the reason why after all these challenges and heartbreaks Izuku still stands up and continues pushing through his life further. That's not why he still lives on to the best of his ability despite having a roof top right next to him at all times.

So what is life?

Izuku hummed, swirling the clear liquid in his goblet.
You know how's there's such a thing as shower thoughts? Well, because Izuku doesn't have a shower, those thoughts come to him when he's alone and calm.

Which is a rare occasion, but right now it was one of them.

It felt nice to relax like this. As if all the problems have already been dealt with and how Izuku has free time. It felt unusual but pleasing.
Almost too good.

"Oi kid, don't drink to much of that Sprite. I don't want you farting all over the stay'n'pay room."
Izuku rolled his eyes, placing his glass down and turning towards Stain who sat down next to him a moment later, quickly asking Karee for a beer and turning to face Izuku.
"What's on your mind?"
Izuku sighed, "the Sports Festival."
Stain raised an eyebrow. "That thing? You're gonna participate?"
"I have to. But that's the problem. I'm quirkless, and no matter how skilled I am, I can't compete with strong quirks. And also keep in mind that half of the things I do I can't do at a sports festival because it'll one, give a huge hint to my identity, and two, it is against the school rules." Izuku dropped his head into his arms. "But I don't want to look stupid either."

Stain hummed, and they sat in comfortable silence, their thoughts blending in with the overall noise in the room.
Karee interrupted the silence by placing Stains drink in front of him. He thanked her quickly, but she didn't leave. Instead she leant over the table top and faced Izuku who gave her a confused look.
"I have an idea for a solution to your problem." She said with her strong Scottish accent, ignoring the surprised look the two males gave her.
"An acquaintance handed in a costume a few days ago in perfect condition, claiming that they don't need it anymore. I think it'll fit you." She said, turning around and bending down to shuffle in some drawers.

Izuku immediately looked away from the small miniskirt because he was under 18, while Stain smirked and sipped his drink.
Finally Karee stood up with a wooden box and placed it on the table top for them.
"Here look."
Izuku raised an eyebrow, yet still reached forward and took off the lid.

Inside the three saw some red and black material. Izuku glanced up at Karee as did Stain.
Karee sighed and took out the costume, holding it out in front of her.

Izuku's eyes were pleased.

"This costume is a prototype for an invention my friends working on to support quirkless people and make them also be able to fight. It's not as good as having a quirk, though, but it's still something." Karee layed the costume down in the table, spreading it carefully.
"It has multiple pockets that easily open when you make a certain movement to assist with quick arming. The set also includes boots with rubber pop-outs on the back which are good to knock people out with." She smiled, taking out the black boots out of the box and placing it next to the costume.
"As you can see, the costume consists of a baggy black shirt with also black baggy pants. You also wear a jacket on top of the shirt that has cut open sides to make it easier to move. It also includes a cape which has red triangles on the sides. It clips onto the two sides of the jacket and flaps around for well, decoration." She smirked, pointing her finger. "But! There is also a hidden capability in this. One, the cape is very easy to clip off, and when you do.."
Karee clipped off the cape, tugged it into a straight shape and immediately the triangles glowed up, the cape rolled up into a tight roll and after three seconds it compacted so tightly that it somehow transformed into a rope.

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