Chapter 13 - Blood And Wine

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3rd Person POV:

"Yes... I understand." Izuku got up, wiped his tears and stared down at the dead body of his friend. Stain raised an eyebrow, with concern. Just a second ago the vigilante was balling his eyes out, and now he was staring at the body like it was just a chair with dull eyes. Eyes that have nothing behind them.
Silently without any emotion whatsoever, Izuku walked up to Asahi, picked him up and put him on the recked bed. He bandaged up his wounds with the bandages that he found scattered around everywhere, as well as other medicine stuff that Stain said would help disinfect the wounds.

When Izuku finished patching Asahi up, he stood up. He turned around and sighed.
Stain stared weirdly at the vigilante, confused and kinda annoyed. Where did the angst go? What changed?
Then Stain, as he looked into the black eyes of the boy under the mask, understood it.
His brain turned off his emotions! This guy experienced so much, that he was about to snap, so his brain, in order to prevent that, turned off his emotions...
Stain sighed and shook his head.
Izuku nodded at him.
"Let's go." He said sternly, making Stain lick his lips.
"Yeah, let's beat those trash bags up."
"You're just gonna kill them."
"So what? They deserve it."
"Fair enough." Izuku said, making Stain look at him with disbelief. From all his research, Stain determined that Nightmist never killed any of his enemies. He didn't even have weapons that were meant for killing. And now he agreed that he would support the idea of killing the heroes with Stain. Stain chuckled. So the anger isn't quite turned off. Your true feelings are showing, Misty.

The two made their way out of the room, Izuku making sure to leave a note for Asahi saying that they went on a important mission and that he needs to stay in bed and not move, and that they have a serious talk when he gets back.
He left out the "if" he gets back.

"It was the Purple Revolution hero agency." (I searched it up, and I think that's the agency.) Stain said, as he sniffed the air. Izuku walked forward to stand opposite Stain.
"You can judge by the smell? Ew. You sniff everything then?" Izuku scrunched up his face, imagining Stain leaning over a poop to sniff it and determine which person or animal left it there.
Stain snarled. "Shut up! Anyway, you know what that means right?" He said, annoyed.
Izuku nodded. "Yes. I know all hero agencies, especially this one." He took a deep breath, and sighed.
"It's the one Erasureheads in."
Stain nodded. "So....?"
Izuku tilted his head. "So what?"

"It's your favourite hero, right? Will you be able to kill him?"
Izuku rolled his eyes. "If he was part of this, I will. He hurt my friends." He said, stating it like the obvious.
Stain smirked. "'Kay."

The two vigilantes followed the trail that Stain was found out (by sniffing lol). They were tense, but confident and angry. Izuku clenched his fist.
"Don't have one."
"Fuck you."
"Shut up."
"We're gonna die, you know that?"
"Fuck off."
The two whispered between themselves, as they walked through the alleyway, leading them to a underground building.
"They're in that building - Mikes smell is in there." Stain said, stopping behind a corner. Nightmist stopped beside him.
"A dude."
"Kay. So now what?"
"We barge in."
"You fucking stupid? There's a whole freaking agency of heroes down there." Izuku protested.
Stain sighed. "You have a better plan?"
Izuku thought for a moment, turning his head to the building. He examined the roof, walls and windows, all the cracks that he could see and doors. Then he saw a chimney.
"Yup." He answered, surprising Stain because he thought it would be a rhetorical question. He raised an eyebrow.
Izuku smirked.

3rd Person POV, Purple Revolution Agency base:

"You fucking what?!" Aizawa yelled, fuming.
"I.. we... they.... umm..." the 24 year old secretary mumbled, not used to seeing the pro hero so angry before.
"Did you just say we raided a vigilante hide out?! Their base?! AND KILLED SOME?!" Erasurehead yelled louder. He stood up from his chair and walked out of the small room, leaving the secretary to collapse onto the floor from the stress.
Erasurehead stomped out, smashed the door closed and made his way up the stairs to the top floor, and turned right to an office that said "His Purple Highness."
Aizawa cringed at the name once again, then smashed the door open and walked in.
The old pro hero was lying on his couch, fast asleep. He then woke up from the sudden bang, and faced Erasurehead with surprised eyes. When he saw the pro hero though, he calmed down.
"Hello Erasurehead, what brings you here? Usually you steer away from me as far as possible." He says, tilting his head to the side. Aizawa took a breath, and massaged his temples.
"Oi, why the fucking hell did you attack a vigilante base." He said calmly but firmly.
The pro hero on the couch shivered from the intensity and deathly tone of the voice.
"Uh... coz I can..?" He chuckled nervously but flinched as Aizawa lifted his gaze and stared into his eyes.
"Uhm- I... well, because we found information on their hide out, and vingitalism is against the law, so we raided them." He answered simply, standing up.
Aizawas eye twitched. "Then why the fucking hell did you kill some of them?" He tried his best to stay calm, but the confusing rage was going to bubble over the top any second now. And the small smug smirk of the older pro hero didn't help at all.
The guy sighed and shrugged. "Well, they started fighting back and that's also against the law, so some were killed in the process."
Aizawa literally had steam coming from his ears now, especially from that last sentence.
The pro hero raised his eyebrow. "Hey, why are you so angry 'Zawa?" He said, innocently. "Have I done something wrong?"
Aizawa furrowed his eyebrows. To be truthful, he didn't understand why he was so angry either. It was a heroes job to capture and lock up criminals, vigilantes included, so why was he getting all flustered over this?
Was it because his gut feeling told him something bad is going to happen because of this? Maybe.
Was it because he knew that the two most dangerous and wanted vigilantes in Japan, that could overthrow three whole hero agencies by themselves, would come back to that base and see what happened any second now? Maybe.
Was it because his feelings were mixed into his rational thinking? Maybe.
Or is it because of all three things? Absolutely.

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