Chapter 9 - Long Lost Is Found

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Izuku POV:
Sky's eyes widened in confusion and shock that I yelled like that when we're hiding from the police. I felt really bad for doing that, later, but right now my brain was all fogged up with only one word - "brother."
"Oi man, snap out of it! What did you say? Brother? Who? What are you talking about?" Sky whispered loudly.
Brother. Asahi. Mom said to remember him. To help him. Me. I have to. What do I do? Help. I need him. I need to go... Asahi.. mom! I need to-
"Ow!" I gasped, my vision coming back. Huh? What happened?
"Oh good, you came back." Sky said, lowering her hands. I touched my cheeks that were stinging, obviously hit pretty hard (no no and only no. Go away, perverted freaks.)
"So, have you calmed down bro?" Shadow asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked down and nodded.
"That's ok. It's pretty loud anyway, so no one heard you. But if you calmed down, please explain what that was about." Shadow stated calmly.
I lifted my head and stared straight forward at the dark sky.
"Asahi. He's my brother."
The three vigilantes looked at each other than at me. Sky sighed.
"Asahi? The guy who got called out by that police officer a minute ago? But how?"
I closed my eyes. "Can't explain right now, they'll get away." I got onto my knees and faced the three vigilantes. "Guys, I need to get him. Can you do the rest without me?" I asked.
Fox suddenly stood up (still making sure to be in the shadows and behind the chimney.) she took a step forward and punched me in the stomach.
"Ugh!" I collapsed, holding my stomach with my hands.
"Foxy! Why'd you do that!?" Sky explained, and was about to lean forward to me but was shoved to the side by Fox. Fox looked at me, straight in the eye as I looked up.
"Don't just say that, you idiot!" She spoke, careful with the volume. I was confused. What did I say to make her this angry?
"We are, and I hate to admit it, friends! Do you think we would've let you chase the police yourself?! Huh?! Answer me you brat!!" She hissed, kicking my head up.
"I-... I.." words got stuck in my throat. What is she doing? They're really my ... friends? Not just alliances? Did she... did Fox... did Fox just say that?
I looked up at her, meeting her angry gaze.
"Keep in mind, jerk! If it won't for the police here, I would've yelled at you and smashed you to pieces! You're lucky, you jackass!" She said, lowering her foot and exhaling.
Sky sighed. "Uh, what she meant by that, Nightmist, is that we're your friends. If you need help for whatever reason, we'll be there. So you just going off like that and saying you'll do it by yourself is kinda making us sad. Well, it made her angry." She chuckled, pointing at Fox who in turn gave her a head chop.
I stared blankly at them. They really... that... that's what made them angry? I'm.. i..
"I'm... im sorry..." I said, not knowing what else I should say. I've never actually had friends, well, except for maybe Mei, but never have I had to face this. It kinda.. hurt. Yeah, hurt seeing them so angry because of what I did.
"Tch. You better be." Fox grumbled. Shadow sighed.
"Well, anyway. We'll get this organised later. Look, the police car with the kid is driving away." He mumbled something, then huddled us together. "Listen up, Sky will stay here to check the whole building once again and delete any things that could lead to problems with our identities if there will be any. Nightmist and I will follow the police cars as closely as possible, then when they go into a quiet area we will break into one of them, get the kid, and leave, with as less as hassle as possible. Fox, follow us from above and supervise any heroes or any trouble that could happen. After everything is done, meet at the third roof top from the base. Connect through my telepathy which is always be activated. Questions?"
"None." We all answered.
"Let's go." Shadow said, and we all jumped off the roof at the same time into different directions.

Me and Shadow landed quietly on one of the police cars that was driving last. Using the pads on our shoes that I made for us, we didn't make any sound and didn't shake the car. I turned to Shadow and he pointed to the middle car (there was three). That meant he checked that Asahi was in there. Great. The worst possible car out of the three options. I grumbled silently.
Shadow showed me the "ok" sign and I answered with a nod. He pointed his fingers at himself then at the car twice with a little bend to the right - a secret sign meaning "I will move and get in through the right of the car."
I nodded and got out my electro shooting bullet gun. I nodded at Shadow and when he nodded back I fired at the back tire. Electricity buzzed through it, popping the tire, and making the car swing 180 degrees, the right door exactly infront of Shadow. I smirked. Bullseye!
Shadow jumped, and landed on the cars roof. He opened the door really quickly just as the car came to a stop. He climbed in, and vanished from my view. But I trusted him.
Meanwhile the police from the first and third car stopped their cars and started firing their guns at me. They, of course, always missed, because I have had nearly 5 years of practise from dodging all kinds of stuff, so a mere three police men aren't gonna stop me.
Anyway, when they ran out of bullets and Shadow finally made it out with a kid in his right arm, they police stopped firing and realised their mistake. Hah, idiots.
I did feel bad for breaking the law like this but... the life of a vigilante isn't exactly abiding the law is it? And... this was kinda fun.

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